Category: Hype

  • Ben Bascom on his new book!

    Ben Bascom has recently published his new book Feeling Singular, the following is a short interview offering some insight into its making. Have you been eager to see this idea realized? I’m thrilled to have finished Feeling Singular: Queer Masculinities in the Early United States, which began as a dissertation for my PhD at the […]

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  • English Professor Kathryn Ludwig Wins Lawhead Award

    Kathryn Ludwig, assistant teaching professor of English, has been named the 2023 recipient of the Lawhead Award in General Education. This award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Ball State University’s Core Curriculum (UCC) program. In many respects, the core curriculum has become Ball State’s signature program. The university is widely recognized for […]

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  • President Mearns, A. J. Morton Family, and the 2023 winner of the A. Jane Morton Award

    English Administrative Coordinator Wins A. Jane Morton Award

    Melissa Hull, administrative coordinator in the Department of English, has been named the 2023 recipient of the A. Jane Morton Award for Excellence in Staff Performance. Each year, the A. Jane Morton Award honoree is selected from a group of nominated active full-time exempt and non-exempt staff personnel who have been University employees for at […]

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  • Dear Alumni: We need your help!

    English department chair Sean Lovelace has delegated this year’s Letter from the Chair to Prof. Cathy Day. She has some important news to share with you from #bsuenglish! Cathy has been teaching creative writing and career-oriented classes at Ball State since 2010. She is an Indiana native and author of The Circus in Winter and […]

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  • In Print Festival XVI: Nights in Review

    This year’s In Print Festival of First Books (the sixteenth in the series) was hosted by Silas Hansen on March 29 and March 30. The first night of the event introduced three writers whose first books were published last year—nonfiction writer J.R. Jamison (author of Hillbilly Queer), poet Ananda Lima (author of Mother/land), and fiction […]

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  • Top 100 Students Profile: Sam Scoma

    Sam Scoma is a Ball State senior who majors in English (her concentration being in Rhetoric & Writing). She has been placed onto the Top 100 Students list for the 2021-2022 school year, which recognizes 100 juniors & seniors that represent Beneficence both in and out the classroom. How has being a Top 100 student […]

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  • Top 100 Students Profile: Grace Babcock

    Grace Babcock is a Ball State senior who majors in English (her concentration being in Literature). She has been placed onto the Top 100 Students list for the 2021-2022 school year, which recognizes 100 juniors & seniors that represent Beneficence both in and out the classroom. How has being a Top 100 student impacted how […]

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