Tag: BSU English

  • Ben Bascom on his new book!

    Ben Bascom has recently published his new book Feeling Singular, the following is a short interview offering some insight into its making. Have you been eager to see this idea realized? I’m thrilled to have finished Feeling Singular: Queer Masculinities in the Early United States, which began as a dissertation for my PhD at the […]

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  • BSU English Three Minute Thesis Winners

    The University of Queensland originally developed the Three Minute Thesis in 2008. While many theses can take hours to present, this competition calls upon contestants to deliver one in three minutes. It is not an exercise that aims to trivialize research, rather, it challenges students to consolidate their ideas and research discoveries so that a […]

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  • Good News

    🎉 ALUMNI 🎉 Amelia Brewers recently began working as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for The Children’s TherAplay Foundation, Inc. a nonprofit in Carmel, IN that utilizes the movement of a horse as a treatment tool in physical, occupational, and speech therapies. Amelia graduated in 2023 with a BA and MA in Literature, thanks to […]

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  • Good News!

    Faculty Professor Rani Deighe Crowe has been working on writing and producing her short film Safety State, where a gay and a lesbian couple form an unlikely friendship while fleeing the Midwest for safety in New England. She did principal photography with her collaborators in Athens, Ohio in April, and now they are in post-production, […]

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