Author: amisare1
View by:
- Awards
- Cardinal Directions
- English
- English Ed
- Faculty Pep Talks
- Featured
- Good News
- Grad School Confidential
- Guest Posts
- Humanities
- Hype
- New Faculty Profile
- News
- O' Captain! My Captain!
- Our Community
- Our Cool Classes
- Our Events
- Our News
- Our Opportunities
- Pilgrim Souls
- Recommendation Station
- Regular Features
- Retweet Rapport
- Uncategorized
- "Daddy"
- "Go Do: Heuristics for Hands-On Research for Writing Teachers"
- (Re)Vision
- @bsuenglish
- #BSUGivingTuesday
- #facultypeptalks
- #FirstGenBSU
- #LoveStories
- #MeToo
- #OneBallStateDay
- #WeFly #WeTeach #BSUEnglishEd
- 2009 Concrete Wolf Chapbook Competition
- 2011
- 2011-2012
- 2012
- 24 Bar Blues
- 84 Charing Cross Road
- 90 days to write your novel
- Aaron Burch
- Aaron Nicely
- Abby Higgs
- Abby Hines
- Abe Smith
- Abigail Barker
- Abroad
- Academic Achievers
- academic journal
- academic peer mentor
- academic writing awards
- accent training
- Ace Howard
- Action Books
- Action Yes Online
- activism
- Adam Beach
- Adam Gulla
- Adam Kuban
- Adam R. Beach
- adaptation
- administration
- Admissions
- Adrienne Bliss
- Advertising
- advice
- Advising
- advocacy
- African American Studies
- African-American literature
- Agnieska Holland
- Ahmaud Arbery Dreasjon Reed
- Aimee Taylor
- Alabama
- Albert Camus
- album
- album review
- Alec Brenneman
- Alex Wenning
- Alice I have Been
- Alice in Wonderland
- Alice Liddell
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
- Alisha Layman
- All That I Am
- allison hitt
- Allison Joseph
- Allison Layfield
- Allison Tourville
- alphabet series
- alt-ac; M.A. English
- Altered States
- alternative medicine
- alumni
- Alumni Center
- Alumni Newsletter
- Aly Schweigert
- Alysha Hoffa
- Alysia Sawchyn
- Alyssa Allen
- Alyssa Cowan
- Alyssa McGrath
- Alyssa Nobbe
- Amanda Byk
- Amanda Drozd
- American Association for Applied Linguistics
- Americcorps
- Amit Baishya
- Amit Baishya; Ball State English Department; Zombies; Heart of Darkness
- Amit Baishya; Zombie; Heart of Darkness; Ball State English Department
- Amory Orchard
- Amy Hempel
- Amy Higgins
- An Ice-Cream War
- An Island
- and Media
- Andrea Arnold
- andrea gibson
- Andrea Wolfe
- Andrew Delbanco
- andrew kmiec
- Andrew Neylan
- Andrew Neylon
- Andrew Scott
- Andrew Warren
- Andrew Wurdeman
- Andy Devine
- Angela Davis
- Angela Jackson-Brown
- Anna Funder
- Anna Kate Hartwick
- Anna Quindlen
- Anne Haben
- Annie Farber
- Anniversary
- Annual Giving
- Annual Undergraduate Writers Gala
- anthology
- Anthony Burgess
- Anthony Juliano
- anthropology
- anti-racism
- Antioch University Los Angeles
- apocalypse
- applied linguistics
- April
- architecture
- archived
- Art
- Art Times
- Artifice Magazine
- Ashely Ellison
- Ashland University
- Ashley Ellison
- Ashley Ford
- Asian EFL Journal
- Asperger's Syndrome
- assumptions
- Atticus Books
- Auditor Tim Berry
- Audra Dittlinger
- Audrey Brown
- Augusten Burroughs
- Austin Hayden
- austin kleon
- austin schlick
- Author
- Author interview
- autism symposium
- autobiographical essays
- Autumn Hill
- Ava Maria Press
- Awards
- Awards Ceremony
- AWP Annual Conference
- AWP Conference
- Ayelet Waldman
- Ayn Rand
- Bad Feminist
- Ball State
- Ball State Alumni Association
- Ball State Career Center
- Ball State English
- Ball State English Department
- Ball State English Ed
- Ball State Graduate School
- Ball State Magazine
- Ball State University
- Ball State University Debate Team
- Ball State University Department of Theatre and Dance
- Ball State University Foundation
- Ball State University-University of Alabama Creative Writing Student Exchange
- Ball State Writing Program
- Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
- Bama Theatre
- Bangkok
- Barbara Heavilin
- Barbara Stedman
- Barbizon Hotel
- Bark blog
- Be Here Now
- Beasts of the Hill
- Beatrice Benjamin and Richard Bader Fellowship in the Visual Arts of the Theatre
- Becca Austin
- Becca Wolfley
- Becker Farms
- Belle of the Library
- Ben Clark
- Ben Rogers
- Ben Sapet
- Beneficence
- benefit
- beowulf
- Bernadette H. Perhman
- Beth Dalton
- Beth Turcotte
- Bethany Stayer
- Bethany Stewart
- Bex McNair
- Big Car Gallery
- Big Other blog
- Big World
- Bill Hart-Davidson
- bill holbrook
- Bill Moggridge
- Billi MacTighe
- black history month
- Black Panther
- Black Warrior Review
- Blackwell
- Blackwell Handbooks
- Blake Butler
- Blake Mellencamp
- blog
- blog writing
- Blogging
- Blue Guide to Indiana
- Blue Valentine
- Bobby Kennedy
- Bobo Dioulasso
- Bohlsen Group
- Bonnie J. Rough
- book arts
- Book Arts Collaborative
- book bindery
- Book Binding
- Book Drum.com
- Book Review
- Book Riot
- book sale
- book selling
- Book Talk
- Bookjobs.com
- bookmarklet
- books
- bookselling
- Borrowed Babies
- boston globe
- Bowdoin College
- Bracken library
- Brad Hough
- Bradford Barclay
- brady kiernan
- brain pickings
- Brandi Wells
- Brandon Buechley
- Brandon Pieczko
- Brandon Sanderson
- Brave New Worlds
- brave voices
- Breonna Taylor
- bri rooke
- Brian Andreas
- Brian D. Morrison
- Brian McNely
- Brian Morrison
- Brian Oliu
- Brianna Mauk
- Brick Lane
- Brick Road Poetry Book Contest
- Bridget Gelms
- Bridget Quigg
- Brittany Mayfield
- Brittany Means
- Brittany Snyder
- Brittany Ulman
- Brittni Beerman
- Broadway
- Broken Plate
- Bryan Ball
- Bryan Lubeck
- BSU English
- BSU English Ed Month
- bsuenglishworks
- Building Their Own Waldos
- Building Their Own Waldos: Emerson’s First Biographers and the Politics of Life-Writing in the Gilded Age
- Burkina Faso
- Business
- business development
- Buzz Feed
- Caitlin Horrocks
- Caketrain
- Caketrain Chapbook Contest
- Calderon & Shakespeare
- calendar
- Callaloo
- Calling a Wolf a Wolf
- campus organizations
- Canarium Books
- Candlewick Press
- Cardinal Career Fair
- Cardinal Directions
- Cardinal Job Fair
- Cardinals Connect
- career
- career center
- Career Coach
- career fair
- career outcomes
- career search
- career week
- Careers
- Careers for English Majors
- Careers in Business
- careers in publishing
- Careers in university administration
- Carie King
- Carie McMichael
- Carolina Ebeid
- Carolyn MacKay
- Carrie Duke
- Casual Glory; or Macaulay Culkin Does Nothing
- Cathy Day
- celeste ng
- centennial
- Center Center
- Chaehee Park
- chapbook
- chapbook release
- Chapbook Review
- chapbooks
- charlene alexander
- Charles Dodgson
- Charles Hulme
- Charles Payne
- Charlie Cain
- Charlotte Bronte
- Chaylee Brock
- Chelsea Police
- Chen Chen
- Cheryl Glenn
- Chicago
- Chicana/o literature
- Children's Museum of Indianapolis
- Christina Blanch
- Christopher DeWeese
- Christopher Hoskins
- Christopher Newgent
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Cincinatti Shakespeare Company
- Circe
- Circus in Winter
- CityWrite
- classes
- Clay Shirky
- Clay Spinuzzi
- Cleriti
- Closeted Authority in The Tragedy of Mariam
- CNN Money.com
- Cody Davis
- Cody DeHaven
- cognitive
- Cole Farrell
- College of Communication
- College of Sciences and Humanities
- College: What It Was Is and Should Be
- Come Write In
- Comeback Season
- Comeback Season: How I Learned to Play the Game of Love
- comedy
- communicating
- communication
- communications
- Community
- community involvement
- community outreach
- Compass Advantage
- Compass Creative
- Composition
- comprehend
- Concrete Wolf
- Coney Island
- conference
- Conference on College Composition and Communication
- conferences
- confidence
- Connecting Memory and Research through Eco-Composition
- content marketing
- Content specialist
- content writing
- convents
- Cooksey
- cooper cox
- copywriting
- Cormac McCarhty
- coronavirus
- covid
- covid19
- Coyote myth
- Coyote trickster tales
- craft
- Craig O'Hara
- Craig Schmidt
- creative non-fiction
- Creative Nonfiction
- creative process
- creative writing
- Creative Writing in the Community
- critical thinking
- cultural studies
- Dai Sijie
- Daily News
- Damnatio Memoriae
- Dan Lehman
- dani weber
- Daniel Bailey
- Daniel Brount
- Daniella Flemings
- Danielle Cadena Deulen
- Danita Mason
- Daren Mills
- Darolyn Jones
- Dav Pilkey
- Dava Sobel
- Dave Johnson
- Dave Winer
- david disarro
- david eagleman
- David Griffith
- David Jessee
- David King
- Davy Rothbart
- DAW Books
- Dawn Formo
- Dead Poets Society
- Dean
- Death in the City of Light
- debate tournament
- Debbie Mix
- Deborah McMillan
- Deborah Mix
- Debra Gwartney
- degree
- denice frohman
- Denise Schmandt-Besserat
- Department of Geography
- departmental honors
- depression
- Derek Cianfrance
- Designing Interactions
- Developmental Psychology
- DEVONthink
- Diana Pharaoh Francis
- Diane Mooney
- difficult texts
- Digital Comics
- digital corps
- Digital Ground
- digital journal
- Digital Literature Review
- Digital Media Repository
- Digital Publishing
- Digital Publishing minor
- Digital Writing Studio
- Director
- dirndl
- discourse comprehension
- Distributed Art Publishers
- diversity
- Diversity Associates
- Diversity Symposium
- DLR Gala
- document design
- dominique christina
- Don Farber
- double major
- Down to Earth: Small Farm Issues in a Big Farm World
- Dr jones
- Dr. Asao Inoue
- Dr. Darolyn "Lyn" Jones
- Dr. Darolyn Jones
- Dr. Debbie Mix
- Dr. Deborah Mix
- Dr. Habich
- Dr. Jeff Spanke
- Dr. Jennifer Grouling
- Dr. Jennifer Grouling; Dr. Elisabeth Kuriscak
- Dr. Joseph Goodwin
- Dr. Lyn Jones
- Dr. Lynne Stallings
- Dr. Mary Lou Vercellotti
- Dr. Matt Mullins
- Dr. Megumi Hamada
- Dr. Paul Ranieri
- Dr. Ranieri
- Dr. Rick Wysocki
- Dr. Riddle
- Dr. Ruvoli
- Dr. Susanna Benko
- drafting
- Drew Miles
- Drinking From A Bitter Cup
- Dropbox
- Drue Heinz Literary Prize
- Dustin Parsons
- Dwandra Lampkin
- e reading
- e-grammar
- E.B. & Bertha C. Ball Center
- E.M. Forster
- Earlham College
- Earthjustice
- Eastern Illinois University
- editing
- editing and style
- Editor
- Educated
- Education
- Edward Prime-Stevenson
- Efterklang
- Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
- Eileen Porzuczek
- eilis wasserman
- Elbert Construction
- Elena Passarello
- Eliot Schrefer
- Elisabeth Buck
- Elizabeth Dalton
- Elizabeth King
- Elizabeth M. Riddle
- elizabeth palmer
- ellen lucas
- Ellie Fawcett
- Ellie Isenhart
- Elmar Hashimov
- Elyse Lowery
- Elysia Smith
- Emerging Media
- emerging media design and development
- Emerging Media Fellow
- Emerging Technologies
- Emily Bronte
- Emily Disher
- Emily Hodge
- Emily Jo Scalzo
- Emily Karas
- Emily Mack
- Emily Reed
- emily rutter
- Emily Scalzo
- Emily Schulyer
- emily standridge
- Emma Baumann
- Emma Donoghue
- Eng 104
- ENG 375
- ENG 444
- ENG 489
- engaging classroom
- Engine Books
- English
- English 103
- English 104
- English 213
- English 230
- English 310
- English 363
- english 409
- English 410
- English 435
- English 444
- English abroad
- English as a New Language
- English as a Second Language
- English as a Second Language Education
- English as a Second Language license
- English Department
- English education
- English Education Club
- English Education Program
- English Language Learner
- English Lit
- English Literature
- english major
- English Major Award
- English majors
- English Studies
- English Teaching Assistantships
- EnglishEd
- entertainment industry
- Eric Wyman
- Erin Banks Kirkham
- Erin Moreno
- erin silcox
- essay
- essayist
- Essays
- Esther Wolfe
- Ethan Johnson
- ethnography
- Etiquette
- Eugene Cross
- Eva Snider
- Evan Himelick
- Evan Neace
- event
- events
- Everything But the House
- everything i never told you
- everything is bigger reading series
- Evolution of writing
- Excellence in Teaching Award
- experience
- facing depression
- Facing Project
- Faculty
- Faculty Favorites
- faculty pep talks
- Faculty Reading Series
- faculty spotlight
- Fall 2020
- fall break
- fall writing fest
- Fantasy
- fat positivity
- Fat Studies
- Fay Weldon
- Feature
- Feature Film
- Featured
- Fellowship
- felsenstein
- fiction
- fiction editor
- fiction wiriting
- Film
- film festivals
- films
- Finn
- Fires of Our Choosing
- First Friday
- First Friday Series
- first publication
- First Rodeo: Poems
- Flagler College
- Flash Mob
- flatiron books
- Florida State University
- Flowers
- Fog Gorgeous Stag
- Food Matters in Literature and Culture
- For You
- For You I Am Trilling These Songs
- Ford Meter Box Inc
- Fosco's Fat Drag: Performing the Victorian Fat Man in Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White
- Found Magazine
- Fountain Head Press
- Four of a Kind
- Frank Bruni
- Frank Felsenstein
- frank mackay
- Frank Trechsel
- freak shows and human zoos
- Fred Robinson
- free event
- Free Press
- Freight Stories
- freshman common reader
- Fulbright
- Fulbright Commission
- Full-grant
- Fullbright
- Fulton County
- G Patterson
- Gary Younge
- Gaylena Merritt
- gender studies
- Gene Kwak
- General Studies
- Geographic Information Systems and Mapping
- George Floyd
- George Shaheen
- Geri Strecker
- Germany
- Gerry Cox
- Ghana
- ghost stories
- Ginger Bollinger
- Gipson Schable
- Girl Wash Your Face
- Globe Theatre
- Good News
- Google Reader
- Gorgas House
- Government and Law
- Gowanus 83
- GradHacker
- Grading and Technology
- Graduate assistantship program
- graduate jobs
- Graduate Programs
- Graduate School
- graduate students
- graduates
- graduation
- Graham Brown
- Grant Morrison
- grants
- graphic design
- Graphic Novels
- Greece
- Green Bar
- Gretchen Stelter
- grey's anatomy
- Guernica
- Guest Post
- guest posts
- h.g. wells
- Hamilton College
- hand-made books
- hand-made items
- hand-stitched journals
- hands on
- Hanif Abdurraqib
- Hannah Partridge
- Hannah Schneider
- hannah vollmer
- Hanson
- Harcourt
- hard skills
- Harold Bloom
- Harpur Palate
- Harry Denny
- Harry Devlin
- Harry Potter
- Harvard
- Hayat Bedaiwi
- Hayden’s Ferry Review
- Heather Gemmen Wilson
- Heather Has Four Moms
- Helene Hanff
- Herman Melville
- high treason
- higher education
- Historical Hauntings and Modern-Day Manifestations
- Historicizing Fat in Anglo-American Culture
- history
- history of rhetoric
- Hobert
- holiday
- holiday reading
- Holly Miller
- holocaust
- Honor Society
- Honors
- Honors College
- Honors Humanities
- Honors senior thesis
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
- house of representatives
- How Some People Like Their Eggs
- How the Broken Lead the Blind
- How They Were Found
- How to Get a Job as a Mermaid
- How Writing Came About
- Howard Cruse
- Howard Rheingold
- HTMLGiant
- huffington post
- Hulu
- humanities
- humanities majors
- Hunger Games
- Hunger Mountain
- hurtgen
- hybrid pieces
- hygge
- Ian Roberts
- iAnnotate
- Ibram X. Kendi
- Ideas of Order: Narrative Patterns in the Novels of Richard Powers
- Iluminar el Mundo
- Imagined London: A Tour of the World's Greatest Fictional City
- Immersive
- Immersive class
- Immersive Learning
- imposter syndrome
- Improv
- In a Lonely Place
- In Darkness
- In Print
- In Print 2014
- in print 2015
- In Print 2019
- In Print 2021
- In Print Festival
- In Print Festival of First Books
- In Print Festival of First Books IX
- in-house marketing
- Incendies
- independent literature
- Independent Publishing; Puerto del Sol; Freight Stories
- InDesign
- Indiana
- Indiana Department of Education
- Indiana English
- Indiana Historical Society's Holiday Author Fair
- Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Indiana Writers Center
- Indiana Writing Project
- Indianapolis
- Indianapolis Colts
- Indianapolis Colts Superbowl Season
- Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art
- indianapolis star
- Indie Literature
- Indy Fringe
- Indy Monthly
- Indy Reads
- Indy Writes Books
- Information and Communication Sciences
- informational interviews
- Innocent Project New Orleans
- inspiration
- Instapaper
- Instructor of English
- Insufferable
- insurance
- Intensive English Institute
- Interdisciplinary study
- Interlochen
- International Congress on Medieval Studies
- international students
- Internship
- internships
- Interview
- interviews
- intimate partner violence
- Intro to Digital Literacies
- Inverview
- iPad
- iPad reading experience
- Ireland
- Irène Némirovsky
- Irish literature
- Irvington Vinyl & Books
- Isabel Vasques
- Israel
- Italian American Literature
- IU
- Ivy Tech Community College
- J.D. Mitchell
- J.D. Salinger
- J.R. Jamison
- j.r.r. tolkien
- Jacket Copy Creative
- jackie grutsch mckinney
- Jackson Eflin
- Jacqueline Grutsch McKinney
- Jaelyn Winkle
- Jalynn Madison
- James Mitchell
- James Ruebel
- James Tadd Adcox
- Jan Chipcase
- Jan Shoemaker
- Jane Eyre
- jane friedman
- Japan
- Jared Linder
- Jared Sexton
- Jared Sexton; Andrew Scott; Ball State English Department
- Jason Gladstone
- Jay David Bolter
- Jeff Frawley
- Jeff Grabill
- jeff owens
- Jeff Spanke
- Jenn Banning
- Jennifer Banning
- Jennifer Bute
- Jennifer Finney Boylan
- Jennifer Grouling
- Jennifer Wells
- Jenny Han
- Jenny Smith
- Jeremy Bauer
- Jeremy Carnes
- Jeremy Flick
- Jessica Berg
- Jessica Carducci
- Jessica Jussek
- Jessie Fudge
- Jill Christman
- Jim Connolly
- Jim Nabors
- Joanna Rakoff
- JoAnne Ruvoli
- job
- Job Fair
- job opportunities
- job placements
- jobs
- Jodee Stanley
- Joe Cermak
- Joe Mackall
- Joe McHugh
- John Ashberry
- John Carter
- John Gilstrap
- John Green
- John Irving
- John Keats
- John King
- John Maust
- John McPhee
- Johna Picco
- Jolene McConnell
- Jon Clinch
- Jonathan Pierrel
- Jones and Bartlett Publishers
- joseph hurtgen
- Joseph Samaniego
- Josh Mooshian
- journalism
- Joy Priest
- Joyce Huff
- Joyelle McSweeney
- Julia Robben
- Justine
- Kaitlyn Sumner
- Kassie Markovich
- Kate Carnahan
- katherine arden
- Katherine Greene
- Katherine Kovac
- katherine vellenga
- Kathleen Rooney
- kathryn Gardiner
- Kathryn Hampshire
- Kathryn Ludwig
- Kathryn S Gardiner
- Katie Coyle
- Katie Dittelberger
- Katie Zimolzak
- katy didden
- Kaveh Akbar
- Kelcey Ervick
- Keli MacDonald
- Kellie Weiss
- Kelly Gallagher
- Kelly Stacy
- Kelly Watson
- Kelsey Englert
- Kelsey Timmerman
- Kelsi Morrison-Atkins
- Kennedy Public Library
- Kentucky Institute for International Studies
- kerry howley
- Kevin Marks
- Keyhole Press
- Keynote
- Kickstarter
- Kickstarter.com
- Kiesha Warren-Gordon
- Kiley Neal
- Kilian Plunket
- kill author
- killing eve
- Kim Triedman
- Kindle
- Kip Tew
- Kris Weaver
- Krishna Walker
- Kristen Elias Rowley
- Kristine Kotecki
- Krystyna Chiger
- Kuha
- Kurt Vonnegut
- Kurt Vonnegut Library
- Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library
- Kyrgyzstan
- l’Université de Nancy
- La vida es sueno
- Lacey Lord
- Language
- larger issues
- Larry Levis
- László Krasznahorkai
- Laura Romano
- Laura Ruby
- Lauren Alvarez
- Lauren Birkey
- Lauren Cross
- Lauren Lutz
- lauren onkey
- Lauren Sherwood
- law
- Law School
- Layne Ransom
- Layne Ransom; Migrant School Aide; Creative Writing
- learning
- learning center
- Lecture
- Lee Martin
- lee papa
- Legislative Intern
- Lesbian parenting
- Lesnov
- Less Shiny
- Lesson.ly
- Letter from the Chair
- letterpress
- Levi Todd
- Lewis Black
- Lewis Carroll
- liberal arts
- liberal arts and tech
- Library
- Library and Information Science
- Library Journal
- life after the English major
- Life is a Dream
- LifeHacker
- Lightning Crashes
- Lindsey Jendraszak
- Lindsey Laval
- Lindsey P. LaVal
- linguistic
- Linguistic Style of Korean
- Linguistics
- Linked In
- literary blogs
- Literary Citizenship
- literary death match
- Literary festival
- literary magazine
- literary readings
- literary scholarship
- Literature
- Literature group
- literature major
- Little Big Horn
- Live Nude Girl: My Life as an Object
- Live Through This
- Liz Janoson
- Liz Palmer
- Liz Whiteacre
- llc
- localization
- Lola Mauer
- Lone Empire
- Longitude
- look at me deeply with great meaning
- Lora Thompson
- Lord of the Rings
- lori mcfarland
- lotus wellness center
- Louise Erdrich
- Love and Treasure
- Lovely Asunder
- Ludmilla Petrushevskaya
- Luke Boggess
- Lupe Linares
- Lydia Storie
- Lyn Jones
- Lynne Stallings
- M. Ann Hull
- M.A.
- Macbeth
- Macy Jo Byerly
- Madisen Ray
- MadJax
- Maggie Cude
- Maggie Sutton
- Magic Helicopter Press
- Mahogany L. Browne
- Mai Kuha
- Main Street Rag Publishing
- major
- makerspace
- making literature conference
- Malcolm McCullough
- Mamadou
- mapping literature
- March
- Marcus Wicker
- Margaret Atwood
- Margaret J. Snowling
- Maria Romasco Moore
- Maria Staton
- Maria Windell
- Marianne Boruch
- Marilyn K. Cory Speaker Series
- Marilyn K. Cory Speakers Series
- Mario Alberto Zambrano
- Mark Latta
- Mark Millar
- Mark Neely
- Mark Waid
- marketing
- martha payne
- Mary Carter
- Mary Lou Vercellotti
- Mary Miller
- Matt Balk
- Matt Bell
- Matt Besser
- matt gonzales
- Matt Hart
- matt jones
- Matt Mullins
- Matt Walsh
- Matthew Schmalzer
- Matthew Tully
- Matthias Raess
- Maxim Medical Services
- Maya Angelou
- Maybe The Saddest Thing
- Maye Ralston
- McLuhan
- meaning
- Media Associates International
- Meghan O'Rourke
- Megumi Hamada
- Melanie Benjamin
- Melanie Kirkpatrick
- melissa adams-campbell
- Melissa Jones
- Memes
- memorial
- Merrielle Turnbull
- metaphor
- Mexico
- MFA Programs
- michael begnal
- Michael Cunningham
- Michael H Prosser
- Michael King
- Michael Martone
- Michael Meyerhofer
- Michael Meyerhoffer
- Michael Poore
- Michael Schaivo
- Michelle Herman
- Microblogging
- Mid-American Review
- Middletown
- Midwest Popular Culture Association
- Midwest W
- Midwest Writers Workshop
- Midwestern Popular Culture Association
- midwestern stories
- Mike Donnelly
- Mike Palmquist
- Mike Young
- Miller Brooks
- Mina Low
- minnetrista
- Miranda Nesler
- Misfortune
- Mitchell Duneier
- Moby-Dick
- modern languages department
- modernist
- Molly Ferguson
- Monday Coffee and Other Stories
- money
- Monica Ali
- Monica Robinson
- Monica Robison
- Monica Scalf
- more wreck more wreck
- Morgan Aprill
- Morgan Gross
- Morgan Leckie
- Motivate Our Minds
- Movie Adaptation
- Mrs. Dalloway
- multimodal storytelling
- Muncie
- Muncie Civic Theatre
- music
- Musical
- musicals
- My Heart is an Idiot
- My Name is Red
- My Salinger Year
- mystery
- Naked Summer
- Nakkia Patrick
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Nancy Wayson Dinan
- NaNoWriMo
- NaNoWriMo 2014
- Naomi Rockenbaugh
- Nashville
- Natalie Kuss
- Natalie Shapero
- Nate Logan
- Nathan Myers
- National Book Critics Circle Award
- National Day on Writing
- National Novel Writing Month
- National Poetry Month
- nationally distributed
- Native American
- Nature Conservancy
- neal coleman
- NEDA Tournament
- Networking
- New Faculty
- New Faculty Profile
- new major
- New York
- New York Arts Program
- New York City
- New York Times
- News
- newsletter
- Nichole Pena
- Nick Hornby
- Nick Smyrnis AHEPA Lecture Series
- Nick White
- Nicki Literland Baker
- Nicole Wilson
- Nighthawks
- Nighthawks at the Diner
- Niki Wilkes
- nikki caswell
- Nikole Darnell
- No Country for Old Men
- non-fiction
- non-traditional careers
- Nonfiction
- nonprofit
- noo journal
- north dakota quarterly
- novel
- Now Hiring
- Nuha Alsalem
- NY
- NY Times.com
- O' captain my captain
- office of institutional diversity
- Oktoberfest
- Oliver de la Paz
- Once We Were Brothers
- Online Teaching Boot Camp
- Operational Meteorology and Climatology
- opportunities
- oral history
- organization
- organizations
- Orhan Pamuk
- Oryx and Crake
- Outstanding Creative Endeavor Award
- Outstanding Graduating English Major Award
- outstanding senior
- Outstanding Senior Award
- Oxford Handbook to Transcendentalism
- Palettes and Quills 2nd Biennial Chapbook contest
- pam hartman
- PANK Blog
- Pankaj Rishi Kumar
- paralegal
- Paris Review
- Passau
- Pat Collier
- Pat Grabil
- Patrick Collier
- Paul Kai Matsuda
- Paul Killebrew
- Paul Ranieri
- Paula Langteau
- Payscale.com
- Peace Corps
- Pedro Calderón
- Penguin
- performance studies
- Performing Humanity
- Peripheral Visions for Writing Centers
- Personal Branding
- personification
- Peru Indiana
- Pete Davis
- Peter Davis
- Peter Rothebart
- Ph.D. Literature program
- phil call
- Philadelphia Stories
- philanthropy
- Phillp Call
- philosophy
- Phoebe Blake
- photography
- Phyllis Korkki
- Pilgrim Souls
- Pinboard
- Pivot Marketing
- planner vs. pantser
- Playground Group
- Pleiades
- Plum(b)
- podcast
- Poems
- Poems While You Wait
- Poet
- Poetic Summit
- poetry
- poetry contest
- Poetry contests
- poetry reading
- poetry readings
- poetry workshop
- Poetry!Poetry!Poetry!
- poets.org
- politics
- Portland State University
- positive impact
- postcolonial studies
- Potawatomi
- Powers's Disease: Narrative and 'The Killing Responsibility of Care
- Practical Criticism Midwest
- Practical Criticism Midwest; Patti White; Ball State English
- pre-med
- present
- Presentation
- Press 53
- Prince of Songkla University
- printing
- problem solving
- process
- Prof. Angela Cox
- Prof. Ben Bascom
- Prof. Kat Green
- Prof. Kathryn Ludwig
- Prof. Laila Aghai
- Prof. Morgan Lecki
- Prof. Peter Davis
- Prof. Sreyoshi Sarkar
- Professional Writing
- Professional Writing minor
- professionalism
- professionalization
- professor
- Professor John Carter
- Professor Katy Didden
- ProfHacker
- program coordinator
- Program or Be Programmed
- Project Based Learning
- proposal
- psycholinguistics
- psycholinguists
- public event
- public relations
- public sector
- Publications
- publish
- publish practices
- Published
- publishing
- Publishing Genius
- Punches n Ponytails
- Puns
- Pure Elysium
- Pushcart Prize
- Queer Fiction
- RA
- Rachael Heffner
- Rachel Hartley-Smith
- Rachel Lauve
- Rachel Tindall
- Rachel Williams
- Rai Peterson
- Ramzi Fawaz
- Ranger Puterbaugh
- Rani
- Rani Crowe
- Rani Deighe Crowe
- Rape culture
- rb 291
- Reacting Out Loud
- Readicide: How Schools Are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It
- Reading
- Reading list
- reading practices
- reading widely
- readings
- real estate
- real-world
- Rebecca Haynes
- rebecca jackson
- Rebecca Manery
- Recommendation Station
- recommendations
- recommended
- Recommended Reads
- recovery
- Red for Ed
- Red for Ed Action Day
- Reginald Shepard
- registration
- Religious Studies
- Remediation: Understanding New Media
- remembering
- remembrance
- Renaissance
- Renaissance Quarterly
- repetition
- reproductive health
- Research
- Rethinking Children's and Young Adult Literature
- Rethinking Children's Literature
- retweet
- Review: Renaissance Earwitnesses: Rumor and Early Modern Masculinity
- revising
- Rex Pickett
- rGrade
- rhetoric
- Rhetoric & Writing
- rhetoric and composition
- Rhetoric and Composition Doctoral Program
- Rhetoric and Writing
- Rhetoric Society of America
- Rhetoric Writing and Emerging Media
- Rhiannon Racy
- Richard Gruisin
- Richard III
- Rick Wysocki
- River Teeth
- Rob Nixon
- Robbie Maakestad
- robert bell
- Robert Bell Building
- Robert Habich
- Robert M. Grippo
- robert young
- Robin DiAngelo
- Robinson Alone
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
- Rod Smith
- Rodent Town
- Roman
- Romanticism and Transcendentalism 1820-1865
- Romeo and Juliet
- Ronald H. Balson
- Room
- Rory Lee
- Rose Metal press
- Roxane Gay
- Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
- Roy C. Buley Center
- Rumpus
- Russia
- Rusty Fox
- Ryan Rader
- Sabbatical
- Saint Florian CASH Club
- Salaries for English majors
- Salinger
- Sam Edwards
- sam rosen
- Samantha Edwards
- Samsung
- santa ana river review
- Sara Strasser
- sarabande books
- Sarah Bredar
- Sarah Chaney
- Sarah Dalton
- sarah domet
- Sarah Flores
- Sarah Hollowell
- sarah kay
- Sarah Smith-Robbins
- Sasha Fletcher
- Satantango
- Schedule
- Scholarship
- Scholarships
- science
- Scorch Atlas
- Scott McCloud
- scott woods
- Screenwriting
- Scripting News
- seamus heaney
- Sean Andres
- Sean Lovelace
- Sean Southern
- Second Annual Marguerite McGlinn Prize for Fiction
- secondary education
- Secondary English Teaching
- self-promotion
- Semester at Sea
- Senior Seminar
- september
- Serena Salloum
- setting
- sex
- sex education
- Shakespeare
- Shane Thomson
- Sharon Lynette Jones
- sharp objects
- Shaun Gannon
- Shawna Vertrees
- She's Not There
- Shelly K. Schwartz
- Shirley Brice Heath
- Shirley Willard
- Sholarship
- Short Film
- Short Film Corner with Rani
- Short Films
- short stories
- Show your work
- Sidewalk
- Sideways
- Sigma Tau Delta
- Silas Hansen
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- sister outsider poetry
- skills
- Slash Pine Literary Exchange
- Slash Pine Poetry Festival
- Slate
- Slate magazine
- Slate.com
- slavery now
- Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor
- Smiles for Central America
- Smollett
- Snea Thinsan
- So Long Been Dreaming
- social justice
- Social Media
- social media marketing
- sociology
- soft skills
- Something in the Wash
- sophia lyons
- SoulPancake
- Spanish
- Special-Assigned Leave
- speculative fiction
- Speech
- Spencer McNelly
- spoken word
- Spring 2021
- Spring semester
- staff
- Stage Magazine
- stand-up
- Star Party
- Stars to Steer By
- state legislature
- Statehouse
- Stedman
- Stedman Graham
- Steinbeck Lecture Series
- Stephanie Hedge
- Stephen Greenblatt
- Stephen Hesselm
- stereotypes
- Stern
- Steve Loser
- stories
- Storify
- storytelling
- Storytelling Self Society
- strategies
- stuck between stations
- Stuck RUbber Baby
- student
- Student Affairs
- student center
- Student Experience
- student involvement
- student outreach
- student post
- student resources
- student-run
- students
- Studies in English Literature
- Study Abroad
- studying abroad
- Suban Nur Cooley
- submissions
- Sue Grafton
- Suite Française
- sum forty tales from the afterlives
- SUNY College at Brockport
- Supergods
- Superman: Red Son
- Supernatural
- survival guide
- Susan C. Herring
- Susanna Benko
- Suzanne McConnell
- Sylvia Plath
- T Fleischmann
- T.J. Beitelman
- Take 3
- take 4
- Talent management
- talent manager
- Tammy Conard-Salvo
- Tara Olivero
- Taylor Baugh
- Taylor Townsend
- Taylor University
- Taylor Wicker
- teacher
- Teacher Job Search
- Teachers College
- Teaching
- teaching abroad
- teaching composition
- teaching creative writing
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- teaching English as a second language
- tedtalks
- telecommunications
- TESOL and Linguistics Program
- Thanksgiving
- The Anxiety of Influence
- The Association for the Study of Literature & Environment
- the bear and the nightingale
- The Bell Jar
- The Broken Plate
- The Circus in Winter
- The Collagist
- The Collectors
- The Compass
- The Corner
- The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood
- The Decalogue
- The Eighth Seal
- the facing project
- the freedom bus
- the future of the book
- The Girl in the Green Sweater
- the girl in the tower
- the God Father
- The Guardian
- the guineveres
- The Immortalists
- the infinite museum
- the island of dr. moreau
- The Jackalope Wars
- The Lice
- The Millennial Hipster: Superficial Reflections
- The MIT Press
- The New Korean Association of English Language and Literature
- The New Southerner
- The Ohio State University
- The Penelopiad
- The Physics of Imaginary Objects
- The Plague
- The Plague of Doves
- The Playground Group
- The Poetry Center
- The Purdue Owl
- The Riots
- The Science of Reading
- The Swerve: How the World Became Modern
- The Upright Citizens Brigade Comedy Improvisation Manual
- The Visiting Writers Series
- The Washington Center
- The Wedding
- The Writer's Center of Indiana's Annual Gathering of Writers
- The Writers Center of Indiana
- the writing center
- The Writing Program
- The Year of the Flood
- There Once Live a Woman Who Tried to Kill her Neighbor’s Baby: Scary Fairy Tales
- This Is The End
- Thomas St. Pierre
- Three Ways of the Saw
- Thrillbent
- thrown
- Tiffany Austin
- Tiffany Ellis
- Tiffany Sedberry Reiger
- tim macy
- Tina May Hall
- tips on getting internships
- TNT Productions
- To All the Boys I've Loved Before
- Todd McKinney
- Tom Waits
- Toni Morrison
- Tony McDade
- Tony West
- Tools for Thought
- Top 100
- Top 100 Student
- top books 2018
- top five literary blogs
- top100
- tough conversations
- Trail of Death
- translating
- translator
- transmetropolitan
- Travel
- Tribune Showprint
- tribute
- Tricia Johnson
- Troi Watts
- Tumblr
- Tuscaloosa
- Tutoring
- Tweet of the Week
- Tyler Fields
- Tyler Gobble
- UC Davis
- UC Santa Cruz
- UIndy
- undergraduate
- Undergraduate Gala Winners Reading
- Underwater God
- Unified Media
- unit ideas
- United State of Indiana
- University of Alabama
- University of Alabama MFA Program
- University of Hawaii
- University of Honors
- University of Illinois
- University of Louisville
- University of Missouri
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- University of Southern California
- University of Southern Maine
- University of Texas
- Up Jumps the Devil
- Uppinder Mehan
- Upright Citizens Brigade
- Urban Semester
- Ursula K. LeGuin
- Using your English degree
- Utopias and Dystopias
- Vanessa Rapatz
- Velveeta
- Vernacular Memorials
- Veronica Sipe
- Vicki Bohlsen
- Victoria Barrett
- Victoria Barrett; Ball State English Department; Engine Books
- videography
- Village Green Records
- Virgina Ball Center
- Virgina Woolf
- Virginia B. Ball Center for Creative Inquiry
- Virginia Ball Center
- Virginia Ball Center for Creative Inquiry
- Virginia Wolf
- Virginia Woolf
- visit
- visiting
- Visiting Writer
- Visiting Writers Series
- Vivian Apple
- Volunteer
- Voss Scholarship
- vouched books
- Vouched Online
- Vouched Presents
- Vulcan
- W.M. Thackeray
- W.S. Merwin
- waiting for sunrise
- Walt Whitman
- Wasp
- Watson Conference Louisville
- We Who Are About to Die
- weather
- Web 2.0 Applications for First-Year Composition Assignments
- website
- Webster Newbold
- Welcome
- well done marketing
- Wendy Devlin
- wesley mcknight
- Wesley Stace
- What Are You Reading?
- Wheel of time
- When All Our Days Are Numbered
- whittley lewis
- whittley pike
- William Boyd
- William Liston
- Willow Wept Press
- Winners' Gala Reading
- winter
- Wolf Parts
- Women writers
- women's and gender studies
- Women's History Month
- women's literature
- Women's Prisons
- women's week
- Worcester Center
- word recognition
- Wordpress
- Wright State University
- writer
- writer's digest books
- Writers Community
- Writers House
- writing
- Writing Across Borders
- Writing Center
- Writing Contest
- Writing Fellow
- writing fiction
- writing memoir
- writing program
- Writing Program Contest Fall 2013
- Written Communication
- WSU National Scholarship Resource Center
- YA
- Yarico
- Yeno Matuka
- You Gotta Read This!
- Young Adult Literature
- YWCA Adult Literacy Program
- Zadie Smith
- zoe lister-jones
- September 2024
- July 2024
- April 2024
- February 2024
- November 2023
- October 2023
- September 2023
- August 2023
- July 2023
- June 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- October 2022
- September 2022
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- October 2021
- April 2021
- March 2021
- February 2021
- November 2020
- October 2020
- September 2020
- June 2020
- April 2020
- March 2020
- February 2020
- January 2020
- December 2019
- November 2019
- October 2019
- September 2019
- August 2019
- April 2019
- March 2019
- February 2019
- January 2019
- December 2018
- November 2018
- October 2018
- September 2018
- August 2018
- May 2018
- April 2018
- March 2018
- February 2018
- January 2018
- December 2017
- November 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- August 2017
- May 2017
- April 2017
- March 2017
- February 2017
- January 2017
- December 2016
- November 2016
- October 2016
- September 2016
- August 2016
- June 2016
- May 2016
- April 2016
- March 2016
- February 2016
- January 2016
- December 2015
- November 2015
- October 2015
- September 2015
- August 2015
- July 2015
- June 2015
- May 2015
- April 2015
- March 2015
- February 2015
- January 2015
- December 2014
- November 2014
- October 2014
- September 2014
- August 2014
- July 2014
- June 2014
- May 2014
- April 2014
- March 2014
- February 2014
- January 2014
- December 2013
- November 2013
- October 2013
- September 2013
- August 2013
- July 2013
- June 2013
- May 2013
- April 2013
- March 2013
- February 2013
- January 2013
- December 2012
- November 2012
- October 2012
- September 2012
- August 2012
- July 2012
- June 2012
- May 2012
- April 2012
- March 2012
- February 2012
- January 2012
- December 2011
- November 2011
- October 2011
- September 2011
- August 2011
- July 2011
- June 2011
- May 2011
- April 2011
- March 2011
- February 2011
- January 2011
- December 2010
- November 2010
- October 2010
- September 2010
- August 2010
- May 2010
- April 2010