Category: English

  • New Faculty Bio: Mary Lowry

    Mary is a Ball State graduate (x2!) in Rhetoric and Composition. She is interested in the possibilities of bringing peace into the writing classroom as a way to restore justice in education. What English classes do you teach? I’m currently teaching 103: Rhetoric and Writing, but in the past, I’ve taught ENG 104: Composing Research. […]

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  • New Faculty Bio: Rodney Taylor

    Before joining the faculty at BSU, Rod was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of African American Studies and an affiliate faculty member in the Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina. Rod’s interdisciplinary research and teaching focus on African-American literature and culture, with an emphasis on literary recovery and archival research. […]

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  • New Faculty Bio: Rita Faulkner

    Rita Faulkner has a B.A. in French with a German minor, an M.A. in Applied Linguistics and an M.A. in Comparative Literature as well as a Ph.D. in Comp Lit. She wrote her dissertation, National Allegory: Land and Body in Nawal El Saadawi and Assia Djebar about the works of an Egyptian feminist writer who […]

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  • English Professor Kathryn Ludwig Wins Lawhead Award

    Kathryn Ludwig, assistant teaching professor of English, has been named the 2023 recipient of the Lawhead Award in General Education. This award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Ball State University’s Core Curriculum (UCC) program. In many respects, the core curriculum has become Ball State’s signature program. The university is widely recognized for […]

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  • President Mearns, A. J. Morton Family, and the 2023 winner of the A. Jane Morton Award

    English Administrative Coordinator Wins A. Jane Morton Award

    Melissa Hull, administrative coordinator in the Department of English, has been named the 2023 recipient of the A. Jane Morton Award for Excellence in Staff Performance. Each year, the A. Jane Morton Award honoree is selected from a group of nominated active full-time exempt and non-exempt staff personnel who have been University employees for at […]

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  • English Alum Editor Adapts to the Newsroom

     Allen Warren, a recent graduate of BA in English at Ball State University in 2022, is currently works at WTAE-TV as a Digital Editor. In this interview with Compass Creative, Allen Warren recounts him time at Ball State and how Compass Creative and Cardinal Directions influenced his career. In his time at Ball State, he […]

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  • Ball State Grad On Applying Editing Skills

    Isabel Parham, a recent graduate of Ball State University, currently works as a legal editor and codification specialist. She looks back on her time on the Compass Creative team and in Ball State’s English Department as being very valuable in regard to her editing work now. Through the numerous skills she has gained while being at […]

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  • In-Print Festival XVIII: Nights of Review

    This year’s In-Print Festival of First Books (eighteenth in the series) took place in the Student Center Ballroom on March 28 and March 29. This event consisted of a few noteworthy writers whose first books were published in the past year. Michael Kleber-Diggs (he/him) debuted his poetry collection Worldly Things in 2021, Jasmine Sawers (they/them) […]

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  • Dr. Ludwig Details Her Journey with the YWCA

    Kathryn Ludwig is a professor of English at Ball State University and teaches writing, literature, specializing in contemporary American literature. She is currently involved in the partnership with the YWCA Central Indiana. Can you tell us a little about the Write for Change with the YWCA Central Indiana? With our partnership with the YWCA, students […]

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