Category: Staff

  • Docent Spotlight: Jordan Thomas

    The docent learning program is made up of students as well as campus and community members who have volunteered their time to lead tours and discussions in the museum. Senior Jordan Thomas is one such docent. Thomas has been volunteering at the museum for 3 years and is an art history major here at Ball […]

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  • Intern Showcase

    Well, the first Intern Showcase at the David Owsley Museum of Art has come and gone (and it went well, I might add). I learned an interesting fact that I hadn’t known before. This summer was the first time they’ve had three interns at once! That’s definitely a good sign of how much the Museum […]

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  • Interning at the Museum

    Much has been going on this summer at the David Owsley Museum of Art. One of my fellow interns, Ivana Armstrong, has been working hard on her project. Here is a little bit from her about what she’s been doing as part of her internship: “Hi! My name is Ivana Armstrong and I am one […]

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  • Museum Spotlight: DOMA’s Guards

    Here at the David Owsley Museum of Art, we see an array of visitors on a daily basis. In the past, we have interviewed some of our visitors as they walked the galleries to hear their thoughts on what they enjoy about visiting the museum. The visitors who pass through our doors are diverse in […]

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