Errol Zlovic is a junior piano performance major with a concentration in jazz. He was born in Berlin, Germany, but immigrated to the United States when he was 4 months old and grew up in Indianapolis.
“I’m currently a member of Ball State’s Jazz I ensemble, where the experiences so far have been nothing short of amazing. It’s truly a great pleasure to be able to make music and perform classic, as well as modern jazz repertoire with many of the best instrumentalists in the jazz area. So far, I’d have to say that the experience of meeting Wynton Marsalis is at the top of the list of memories that have been created during my time with the Jazz I ensemble. However, I think that’ll soon change when Jazz I travels to perform in Costa Rica at the end of the semester!”“All three Ball State University Jazz Ensembles will be performing in Sursa Hall. This concert will be a particularly fun experience for Jazz I since the majority of the repertoire we’re performing was written by members of the ensemble. The rehearsals for the concert have been very productive, especially since we’re able to ask the composers for feedback on how to perform their compositions to the highest ability!”
📸: @jkwcreative