Rory Wallace, a graduate vocal performance student, originally from Trinidad.
“I can never really remember the exact day that music took a hold of me. I remember playing cassette tapes of a choir that my father sang with in Trinidad and singing all the voice parts of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus when I was around 5 years old. Eventually that led me to join that same choir when I turned a teenager. I sang in many choirs and I even played the steel drums in secondary school. There are no professional musicians in my family, but because of our Caribbean culture, music is very much a big part of our lives and a big part of our expression and it is also what makes us unique to the world. My transition was very rewarding, freeing, refreshing and eye opening. I enjoy being away from the constraints of the third world mentality and step into a more open and diverse society where all voices can be heard and ideas can be expressed that will resonate with someone or a group of people that share the same ideals. @ballstateuniversity perfectly fits the mold of what I usually look for in a College. My department is just the right size so not only do I get useful and worthy personal attention from my teachers, but my classmates are also part of the experience and I am glad and proud that I can remember all their names and get to know most of them on a personal level, all of which helps the music making process.”