Tag: interior design

  • Blurring the Boundary Between Public Art and Public Space

    MONDAY | NOV 18 | 4PM | AB 100 This presentation will highlight four basic principles that underpin the approach of LAA Office: a multi-disciplinary design studio based in Columbus, Indiana that explores the space between landscape, art, and architecture. The presentation will provide an overview of the studio’s current projects in small cities across […]

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  • Students Start the Semester With an Intensive Design Challenge

    DesignWeek 2023 kicked off the Spring semester with a bang! Envisioned as a dynamic and immersive experience to bring together students for an intensive one-week project, this collaborative endeavor replaced regular studio activities, allowing students to fully immerse themselves in the creative process. Working in groups of 8-10,  students from all years of undergraduate and […]

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  • Interior Design and Immersive Learning

    Immersive learning is a powerful opportunity for students, community partners, and faculty. Ball State defines immersive learning as high-impact learning that involves collaborative student-driven teams who are guided by faculty mentors. Students earn credit for working with community partners and clients such as businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies to address community challenges through the creation of a product that has a lasting impact. […]

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  • Interior Design Student Places in National Formica Competition

    Amber Scott, a Ball State junior in interior design, placed in the top ten in the national 2022 FORM Student Innovation Competition held by the Formica Corporation. The annual competition, now in its fifth season, had over 100 entries from 26 universities across the U.S. and Canada. The competition invited students to design furniture for the […]

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  • Escape Space

    Each year we try to highlight projects from some of our student capstone and thesis courses. Recent graduate from interior design, Elise McQueen, considered the current climate of the pandemic and the effects of social distancing for her final project “Escape Space.”    Project Description Escape Space is located in downtown Indianapolis and will serve […]

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  • CAP Lecture Series Fall Line-Up

    The CAP lecture series will be virtual this year, and we’re hoping you’ll join us! Our lectures are free and open to the public to enjoy. Here’s the line-up for Fall.   Monday, NOV 9 | 4:00 pm Paul Lewis, a principal at LTL Architects, is a professor and associate dean at Princeton University School […]

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  • Interior Design Students Research, Design, and Implement Plans for TherAplay Foundation

    Dr. Shireen Kanakri, associate professor of interior design, has been teaching a multi-phase immersive learning course for the Children’s TherAplay Foundation in Carmel to help children with disabilities. The TherAplay program provides children with special needs innovative therapies, including equine-assisted physical and occupational therapies, for children with diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, […]

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  • Ball State Interior Design Summer High School Workshop

    The Interior Design Summer Workshop had a record breaking enrollment this year with twenty five participants. The program gives students a great opportunity to experience interior design firsthand. At completion, students have a portfolio of work which is a required component of the application process in many accredited interior design programs. After participating in the […]

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