Happy May!

Commencement is May 4th. It’s a great time to pause and celebrate our students as they embark on a new journey in their lives. It also provides the opportunity to reflect on how our university-wide mission connects us –to have fulfilling careers and meaningful lives. Whether you’ve worked directly with students in your offices, served them in the food halls, beautified the campus, worked with them on projects, or mentored them along the way you’ve made an impact and helped them reach this milestone. Though their lives and experiences have been enriched by their time at Ball State, their presence and our interactions with them have also enriched our experiences and helped us to live more meaningfully.

Conversations with the President

In April, President Mearns visited our division and spoke with VP Alan Finn in a conversation-style chat. He shared his Ball State why, talked about what brings him fulfillment and meaning in his job, answered our questions, and shared some fun facts.  Thank you to VP Alan Finn for facilitating the conversation, to President Mearns for chatting with us, and to all those who took time out of their schedules to attend.

Did you know?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. If you need support as an employee or manager, please take advantage of the resources offered through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  Ball State provides up to five sessions, free of charge, to all employees and their family members per issue. Services are confidential. For more information, visit Telus Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | Ball State University (bsu.edu). You matter!


Access Awards

Each year Disability Services presents Access Awards to members of the Ball State community who go above and beyond in providing access. In April of this year, two Business Affairs employees, Mike Hill, Supervisor of Bus Operations, and Kevin Limle, Demand Response Bus Driver, were awarded for their transportation efforts and accommodations for students registered with Disability Services. Join us in congratulating Mike and Kevin. Thanks for demonstrating excellent customer service and taking care of our students!

Coach Training EDU

Please join us in congratulating Jenni Flanagan who recently obtained her associate-level Essential Life Coach Certification through Coach Training EDU. She is now eligible to take the exam and submit coaching documentation for the International Coach Federation (ICF) credential and is one step closer to becoming ICF-certified. Way to go, Jenni! We are proud of your accomplishment and know it will serve you well in your current role.

News from Our BA Leaders

People and Culture – Darrell Clark

The Office for People and Culture raised $186 in one week to sponsor the third annual Autism Celebration hosted by Autism Rocks, Inc. As a sponsor of the event, their logo was listed on the back of the event t-shirts! The team also wore blue to support autism awareness on April 2nd which was World Autism Awareness Day.

Ball State Sustainability – Margaret Lo

Be part of the Sustainability Action Plan Creation – Survey

As Ball State prepares to create a Strategic Sustainability Action Plan, we are reaching out to campus stakeholders to see what they consider to be campus priorities. The survey will take 8-10 minutes to complete. We are eager to learn about the campus community’s experiences and hear your recommendations for future efforts. We want to hear from you! You can find the survey here.


Milestone Moments

Jenna Petefish, University Tax and Business Advisor, is expecting! The Controller’s Office, Accounts Payable (AP), and Student Financial Services (SFS) surprised Jenna with a baby shower to celebrate the upcoming arrival of her baby girl in mid-June. Congratulations Jenna! We wish you the best in your delivery and recovery.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to Lauren Brewer, Assistant Director of the Employee Solutions Center, and Deana Thornton, Payroll Specialist! We are celebrating another year of life with you and hope you enjoy your special day.


Good Read

If creating new habits and breaking undesirable ones is an opportunity for you, Atomic Habits by James Clear is a must-read! It provides practical strategies and actionable steps to implement them. He sheds light on the four laws of behavior change; (1) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it satisfying, and much more. To learn more, visit Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear.


Quote of the month

Habits are the invisible architecture of daily life. We repeat about 40 percent of our behavior almost daily, so our habits shape our existence, and our future. If we change our habits, we change our lives. -Gretchen Rubin

Questions & Feedback

Do you have quotes, recommended books, recipes, photos from departmental festivities, retirement news, an exciting life event you’d like to share, or just want to provide feedback? Send your contributions or comments to Kcwebb@bsu.edu. If you’d like to be recognized for your birthday, please complete the Business Affairs recognition form here. We’d love to celebrate you!