Category: Enduring Values

  • Enduring Values: Inclusiveness-New Doors

    It’s the final week of our month-long celebration of our enduring value, Inclusiveness. Our possibilities and opportunities broaden when we surround ourselves with different people and perspectives. Andre Woodley, Jr. said, “Every person is a new door to a different world.”  What worlds have been unlocked for you? How have your worlds transformed? How have […]

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  • Enduring Values: Inclusiveness – Wiser & Better

    It’s week three of our month-long celebration of our enduring value, Inclusiveness. We’d like to take a moment to celebrate that Ball State University has embedded it in our values. Pat Wador said, “When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become wiser, more inclusive, and better as an organization.”  The […]

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  • Enduring Value: Inclusiveness – Togetherness

    It’s week two of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Inclusiveness. Henry Ford said, “coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” In what ways can you strengthen the bonds of your team? Are there opportunities to add new skillsets and perspectives by bringing new members to the […]

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  • Enduring Values: Social Responsibility – Meatless Meals

    It’s week three of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Social Responsibility. This week we are focusing on sustainability through food options. Eating more plant-based meals promotes good health and reduces diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Consider switching one meal a week or more to a plant-based meal. For inspiration and recipes, visit […]

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  • Enduring Values: Social Responsibility – Carbon Footprint

    “Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.” – Stewart Udall, Secretary of the Interior Today starts our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Social Responsibility. We can collectively and individually reduce our impact on the environment. Let’s begin by calculating our carbon footprint with the EPA […]

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  • Enduring Value: Courage to Try Again

    It’s the final week of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Courage.   Take a moment to reflect on some ways in which you’ve exercised courage in everyday life that you didn’t initially realize. Mary Anne Radmacher reminds us that courage doesn’t always roar but is the little voice at the end of the day […]

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  • Enduring Values: The Duality of Courage

    It’s week three of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Courage.  Winston Churchill defines courage as what it takes to stand up and speak and also what it takes to sit down and listen. When was the last time you exercised the courage to challenge your perspective and make space for someone else’s? How […]

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