Category: Spotlights

  • The Story of Learning & Development

    Hello everyone!  My name is Charity Coffman and I am the Assistant Director of Organizational Development and Learning here at Ball State.  My role sits inside the Office of Engagement, Wellbeing, and Culture which is a part of the Office for People and Culture (formerly Human Resources.) What is the purpose of the work performed […]

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  • The Story of Sustainability

    Hello! I’m Margaret Lo, Ball State’s inaugural Chief Sustainability Officer. I joined the sustainability field over 15 years ago. When I needed to contemplate or rejuvenate, I often ended up in nature, hiking in a forest, or by a body of water. I wanted to save the environment for myself and others to enjoy. My […]

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  • The Story of Business & Auxiliary Services

    Provide a summary of the work performed and services offered in your area. Business and Auxiliary Services encompasses 60 percent of the Division of Business Affairs workforce including the following units: University Dining & Catering, Sports/Athletic Facilities, Recreation Services, Purchasing Services, Central Stores, Moving & Storage, Printing Services, Central Mail, University Barnes & Noble Bookstore, […]

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