Emily Karas is the new career coach for the College of Sciences and Humanities. The Career Center is found in LU 220, and their career coaches can help both students and alumni with career-related services, such as developing professional skills, building connections, and choosing majors and minors.

Emily Karas

What are your office hours?

We are in office M-F from 8-5. My coaching blocks are Monday and Tuesday from 1-5 and Wednesday and Thursday from 9-12. Coaching blocks are the best time to meet 1:1 with me, but if those don’t work or it’s a matter unrelated to careers, I can usually find time in my schedule. The best route is to call our office!

What are you currently reading, if anything?

I am currently working on 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs and am planning on starting Becoming by Michelle Obama. I used to read A LOT but my kids take up a lot of that free time now. I have 14 books in my Apple Books queue.

What is a book that you think everyone should read?

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. This was a critical book to me during my undergrad. Part writing manual, part life manual. Anne is a treasure.

(Also, Harry Potter, all of Nick Hornby’s works, all of David Sedaris, and all of Zadie Smith)

What are the biggest mistakes that you notice students tending to make?

Using a template on a resume. Start from scratch, y’all. I also think students don’t always use the resources available to them. We are here to help, support, and empower all students on their career journeys. I get invested in the students I help, and I will be one of your biggest cheerleaders.

But also, use the Oxford comma.
Are you working on any projects at the moment? 

Yes! But I can’t share yet. Both projects are in planning stages still, but I am excited about them. Really excited.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?

I have twin three year old boys and a five year old daughter, so most of my hobbies and interests have been replaced by being a mom. They are my interests! We are avid BSU football fans. We have a lake cottage that we go to almost every weekend in the summer. Pretty much if I’m with my kids and/or my family, I’m happy!

What piece of advice would you offer students?

I think students feel like they have to have their whole life figured out before graduation. If that feels overwhelming or you have no idea what that looks like, focus on the next five years. Five years are manageable. Where do you want to start?

And, if down the road you want to be a career changer, we serve alumni for life for free!