Finals week may be getting close, but the end of the school year also brings with it warmer weather (though we’re never sure in Indiana) and the Robert Bell Ball.

The Robert Bell Ball is a social event and department awards ceremony we’re hosting on April 29 from 4-5pm. At the ceremony, 11 different scholarships will be awarded to students all leading up to the final award of the night, the Outstanding Senior Award. For a complete list of the scholarships being awarded, visit our scholarships page.

This year’s theme is magical education (because an education in English is magical). You can probably think of a book or series centered around the theme of magical education, so we encourage you to dress like your favorite character! Decorations, refreshments, and music will also be themed.

Robert Bell Ball Flyer














You can follow the excitement on social media using the hashtag #RbBallPrep. We’ll be sharing teasers, costume ideas, and behind the scenes peeks leading up to the ceremony. We ask that you use the hashtag to share pictures of your costumes, to request songs, and to let us know how excited you are!

We hope your year at #bsuenglish has been magical, and the Robert Bell Ball is our way of saying thank you for all of your hard work, and to say goodbye to all of our graduating seniors. We hope to see you there!