2022 IZN Fellowship Resources:  


See document below for program requirements

(IZN) Faculty Fellows 2022-2023 Professional Development Week (May 9-13)  

Rinker Center for Global Affairs, Office of Academic Engagement and Global Initiatives invites applications for the 2022-23 Cohort of the Internationalization Faculty Fellows Program with the purpose of enriching learning through curricular internationalization, faculty development, and global initiatives. 

Application Process, Faculty Development, and Scholarship  

Faculty members holding tenure rank or academic year contract appointments, and Professional Personnel in any unit of the University may apply to participate in the IZN Faculty Fellows 2022-2023 Cohort.  

IZN Faculty Fellows agree to the following:  

  • Participate in a faculty development program designed to prepare them to navigate institutional resources, policies, and strategic initiatives with regard to proposing faculty-led study abroad, curricular internationalization, global partnerships, and global project development.  
  • Produce scholarship, proposals, and practices connected to their experience as a part of the IZN Faculty Fellows Project. These documents are determined by faculty specific IZN interests, connections and opportunities and should contribute to the global practice of their scholarship, teaching, and/or service.  
  • Participate in research implemented by the Rinker Center for International Programs including, but not limited to, surveys, interviews, and focus groups of faculty involved in the project.  

IZN Faculty Fellows will receive the following:  

  • Professional Development sessions throughout the IZN Fellows PD Week (May 9-13, 2022) and 2022-2023 AY. 
  • Individualized Project Support in course / curriculum review, study abroad proposal preparation, partnership and/or project development efforts, and holistic global practice development relevant to their instructional and scholarly practice focus.  
  • RIA Stipend of up to $1,000 for use in qualified project development support costs such as application fees, further professional development, conference and partnership development travel costs, technology, or similar expenses within university policy.  

Selection Criteria: Participation in the IZN Faculty Fellows Project is competitive and in review of applications, strong consideration will be given to applicants who propose a project that adapts and expands existing practices, aligns with the University’s stated strategic initiatives, and is matched with unit or college foci. Novel efforts and those that establish new connections and opportunities are also encouraged, provided they are feasible and sustainable to the present context.