Mark Neely
Dear English majors and minors:
As you know, Ball State has decided to move courses online for the rest of the semester, in order to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). I know this is a stressful and confusing time for many of you, and that this was probably not how you pictured your last weeks of the semester here.
Know that the English department and our outstanding faculty are committed to supporting you, and to making this time as rewarding and engaging as possible. Please be patient with your instructors, who have been asked to make a very difficult transition, and know that some aspects of your courses might change as they move their courses and lesson plans online.
We will miss seeing you in our classrooms and hallways, but will do our best to maintain the sense of community that we believe is a vital part of your education.
Communication lines
Please stay in touch with us by checking in on the English department blog, and by following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
If you need guidance on writing assignments for any of your classes, the Writing Center is still open for online appointments.
Also remember to check your email every day—this will be a crucial line of communication from faculty and administrators.
Course descriptions for summer and fall semesters are available on the department blog. Please remember to register for classes when your time ticket opens.
Summer open registration begins this Wednesday, March 18. Priority registration for fall begins on Monday, March 30.
You can still set up an appointment with our academic advisor, Jen Wells, but Ball State is encouraging you to conduct these meetings by phone. You can contact her office at 765-285-8574. I am also available to meet with you by phone to talk about class schedules and other issues—email me or call the main English office (765-285-8580) to make an appointment.
Ball State has set up a page of resources and answers to frequently asked questions about the university’s response to COVID-19.
The Centers for Disease Control has published guidelines for protecting yourself, and for helping to limit the spread of the virus.
Practice social distancing, please
We encourage you to practice social distancing and to avoid large groups of people. Remember that these measures will help protect your family members and communities.
We’re here for you
Know that you and your health and academic success are very much on our minds. We in the English Department are working hard to give you the best experience possible under these difficult conditions. We’re here for you. Please feel free to write to me (maneely@bsu.edu) or Pat Collier (pccollier@bsu.edu), the department chair, with any questions or concerns over the coming weeks.
Prof. Mark Neely
Assistant Chair of Operations