Every summer, Ball State hosts agents, authors, editors, and other publishing specialists at the annual Midwest Writer’s Workshop (MWW). The workshop is held from July 23-25, just three short days, and you (yes, we mean you) can play a big part in its success!
For current students in English, including the graduating class of 2015, MWW has eight paid internship opportunities. You’ll gain valuable experience, a great line on your resume, and a chance to network in your field.
Did we mention it’s paid?
Some extra summer spending money never hurt anyone, right?
Let’s sum it up so far:
- a paid internship ($9/hr, 34 hours, to be exact), happening over the course of three days (no long term commitment that might interrupt your summer plans)
- a chance to meet, mingle, and work with influential people in the industry, a networking opportunity you won’t see very often
- an opportunity to significantly improve your resume with one single job
Here’s the application: MWW Internship Application 2015
Applications are due by April 8. Directions regarding submitting your application are explained on the form.
If you’re not convinced, check out their website, along with this video featuring people from workshops in the past. This is truly a great opportunity. Take advantage of this while you can!

The MWW intern team in 2013: Sarah Hollowell, Ashley Ford, Madison Jones, John Carter, Mo Smith, Rebekah Hobbs, Sara Rust, Jackson Eflin, Kameron McBride, and Kiley Neal.