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On Wednesday, September 17, the Ball State Career Center hosted the Cardinal Job Fair at Worthen Arena. 143 employers were on campus.

Did you go? And if not, why is that?

What do employers want?

We spoke with a few English majors who said that, after taking a look at this Employee Guidebook, they decided that the Job Fair was for business and other pre-professional majors.

Notice how many employers list that they are looking for “All Majors.”

  • Ask an English major if they interpret that to mean, “We want English majors!” they’d say, “No.”
  • But ask employers if they mean, “We want English majors!,” they’d say, “Yes.”

Confusing, isn’t it?

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

One recruiter at the job fair said that his company can teach “hard skills” (the kind of thing you learn in a pre-professional major), but what they REALLY need are people with soft skills, such as teamwork, communication, and flexibility–the kind of skills English majors have in abundance.

Here’s a post from a few years back about English majors at the Job Fair.

We want your feedback

  1. Take our poll above.
  2. Take a look at the Employee GuidebookWhat do you think of those jobs? What kind of employers would you like to meet with on campus?
  3. Before the Job Fair, we promoted the event on social media, sending out daily reminders. How else can we get the word out to English majors that the Job Fair is indeed something for them?

 Please, answer these questions by commenting below.