Emilie Schiess is a new Professor for the English department at Ball State University. Although her career at Ball State just begun, she strives to help her students reach their goals, have the curiosity to seek out new things, and the will to continue toward their goals when met with failure. When she’s not teaching or exploring better accommodations for students, she is reading dark academia fiction and non-fiction. Let’s welcome Emilie Schiess to Ball State!


How would you describe your perspective on teaching?

I view learning as an experience. To learn, we need practice, failure, curiosity, and observation. With this, I see the teacher as a key facilitator and model for the learning experience. When I plan a lesson, I’m trying to create an activity or memory that I think supports students in helping them reach their goals this way. Sometimes this is hands-on like sharing ideas or gathering data. Other times it is more like critiquing examples or writing down ideas. This way students remember what they experienced to better understand the material or concept.

I also strive for teaching and learning to be enjoyable and personal. Everything I assign is something I genuinely want to read. For the class itself, I hope students enjoy it or find it memorable! I try to provide opportunities for students to share their own ideas or engage with what interests them.

Are you working on any projects at the moment? Is it purely for your study or something that will influence your teaching?

headshot photo of Emilie Schiess

I am currently working on a research project that is connected to my teaching. I want to develop better accommodations for students in writing-intensive courses. The study has involved a survey and interviews, and I plan to present at a conference next semester. After this project, I have what feels like 100 ideas of things to pursue! Most of my research directly relates to teaching or my field of study (linguistics), but I am interested in interdisciplinary work and some creative projects.

What are you currently reading, if anything?

I like to cycle among nonfiction texts, dark academia fiction, and graphic novels. I most recently finished Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence by R.F. Kuang and Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe. Both were great reads!

What are your hobbies or interests?

I enjoy reading, baking, and journaling. I’m a big fan of bullet journals and stationery (like washi tape) on Instagram. I also enjoy staying current with the news and Internet trends.

Who are your biggest role models and how did they influence your goals and career?

All my past teachers are my biggest role models. The faculty I work with and the faculty that taught me as a student have been such creative, intentional, and passionate educators. My teaching philosophy was largely shaped by positive experiences in their classrooms.

What is a piece of advice you would offer students?

I would advise students to utilize all the campus has to offer. The Writing Center and the Counseling Center are great resources I always recommend, but we also have the Healthy Lifestyle Center, free software through the Tech Center, Cardinal Closet, and more. There are lots available on campus and in the community to support students.


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