How to join us!

  • Create a NaNoWriMo account so we can track your progress on our leaderboard. 
  • To be on the leaderboard, we need your widget.
  • After you sign in and choose the “Indiana Elsewhere” region, go to this page:
  • Then scroll down to the “Graph” option and send your code <everything inside and including these angle brackets>
  • Send that little line of code to

You can also:

  • Follow @MuncieNaNo on Twitter for information
  • Join our Muncie NaNoWriMo Community Facebook Group for support and feedback from the community.
  • Attend our interest meeting on October 27 in RB 361 at 4 p.m. in which Professor Cathy Day will present on pre-writing strategies for novel writers, and there will be food!