By Cathy Day

It all started with two tweets:

And in response, I got so much good advice–much of it from #bsuenglish alums–that I decided to share it all here, with everyone.

So here you go, some of the unwritten rules of getting and keeping a job.

It’s hard to know that you don’t know something. That’s what we mean by “unwritten rules.”

Did you just freak out and think, “I don’t know how to do an informational interview!”

Well, how can you learn? Wait, Silas knows…

Maybe now you can Google “email etiquette.”

Speaking of etiquette, how do you (ugh) “network?”

What if it seems like the job is perfect for you, but it doesn’t say “English” is the preferred degree?

How do you get those work samples and experiences?

We also got a lot of responses about finding mentors.

Remember: if you ask someone for help and they don’t respond, that’s okay!

For example, don’t be this guy.

But remember, you don’t have to say yes to everything.

Which of these pieces of advice helped you the post? Go back and “heart” those tweets. And maybe follow (or thank!) the person who shared the advice!

Do you have advice you’d like to share with #bsuenglish students? Share it in the comments!