Updated December 9, 2024 with the results of the audit.
VSTOP (Voting System Technical Oversight Program) will conduct a post-election audit on Delaware County’s 2024 General Election on Tuesday, December 3rd at 10:00 a.m. at the Delaware County Building (Basement). Delaware County is one of seven counties on the 2024 General Election Audit Schedule. All seven County Election Boards voluntarily requested an audit and received audit approval and designation from the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office. These audits ensure and affirm that the election equipment used in this election functioned properly, resulting in correctly reported election outcomes.
“There is no doubt, election integrity is top of mind across the country. The County Election Board has volunteered to complete a post-election audit to give voters additional confidence in the people, processes, and equipment used in Delaware County Elections. I am proud that VSTOP gets to work with the County’s Election Officials to provide this opportunity to them.”
– Matt Housley

The audit is open to all candidates, political parties, elected officials, media, and members of the public. Post-election audits are meant to be a transparent, and non-partisan external review of election equipment to increase voter confidence in the use of this equipment and the accurate results it delivers. We encourage members of the media to attend and report on audit activities to increase reach to members of our community. For any questions or additional information, please reach out to VSTOP at the contact information below.
For more information, contact:
Matt Housley, Election Systems Audit Specialist
Email: mdhousley@bsu.edu
Phone Number: (765) 285-8934
Updated Results
The audit began with a public post-election audit presentation given by Election Systems Audit Specialist, Matt Housley. The presentation overviewed VSTOP and explained the post-election audit process. A ballot-comparison audit method was used. In a Ballot-Comparison Audit, the digital CVR (Cast Vote Record) is reviewed and matched with the VVPAT (Voter-Verifiable/Verified Paper Audit Trail) to ensure all sampled ballots CVR and VVPAT records match 100% for the three contests selected. The sample needed, and inspected was 170 ballots to achieve a 99% Confidence Level in the voting systems’ functionality. The sample was drawn in live-time using a random seed number generated by 20 rolls of a 10-sided die. VSTOP, MicroVote, and Delaware County Election Officials began to inspect ballots and record CVR/VVPAT matches for the three contests. This was continued until all needed ballots were sampled.
170 sampled ballots were inspected for a CVR to VVPAT match for all three contests. All three contests resulted in 100% CVR/VVPAT match rate. The 100% match rate gives us a 99 percent confidence level that the election equipment used in Delaware County functioned properly, resulting in correctly reported election outcomes for all three contests.
The Voting System Technical Oversight Program (VSTOP) was founded by the Indiana Legislature in 2007. Hosted at Ball State University, VSTOP is overseen by the Indiana Secretary of State (SOS) and assists the SOS and Indiana Election Division (IED) with a variety of critical election administration functions.
Learn more about how VSTOP works to ensure election security