Category: Engagement

  • Engagement: Q1

    The Elements of Engagement provide a framework for understanding and meeting employees’ workplace needs. Behind each of the 12 items lies a fundamental need that employees and teams require to be successful. Q1.  I know what is expected of me at work. Focus Me: Employees need to know what is expected of them at work […]

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  • Engagement and Loneliness

    Engagement and Loneliness One in five employees globally report experiencing loneliness a lot in the previous day.  The World Health Organization reports that loneliness and social isolation have a serious impact on physical and mental health, quality of life and longevity.  These health risks are comparable to smoking daily, excessive drinking and obesity. According to the […]

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  • Engagement matters to individuals

    An employee’s engagement affects: reported levels of stress at work bringing home stress to family and friends anxiety and depression levels cholesterol levels When it comes to employee wellbeing, engagement levels have a much greater effect than other corporate policies such as hours worked, flextime and vacation time.     Sources: State of the American […]

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  • Engagement: June 2024

    Engagement isn’t just a buzzword.  It is one way of helping us all have meaningful and fulfilling lives.  Engaged employees believe that their basic workplace needs are met and they have an opportunity to contribute to their organization,  experience a sense of belonging, and enjoy opportunities to learn and grow.   Engagement starts with you!  As […]

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