Mackenzie Riggenbach joins the Ball State Department of Psychological Science as an Assistant Professor of Psychological Science.
Please introduce yourself.
My name is Mackenzie Riggenbach, and I am originally from Van Wert, Ohio. I have lived in Ohio most of my life except for the last five years when I lived in Norman, Oklahoma.

What is your educational and professional background?
I received my B.A. in psychology from Ohio Northern University and my M.S. and Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of Oklahoma.
What initially drew you to your field of study/piqued your interest?
I have always been interested in psychology, but in undergrad, as a psychology major, I happened to be placed in a first-year seminar all about human memory that included discussing the topics related to how our memory works and, at times, fails to do so. The course’s professor ultimately drew me to cognitive psychology with her passion and knowledge. I also have always found it interesting how memory can play a large role in an eyewitness setting. So, seeing topics discussed in class play out in the real world was another big driving force in my interest in cognitive psychology.
What is your research focus in your department/area of study?
As a cognitive psychologist, I study the formation of false memories, eyewitness interviewing techniques, and the computational modeling of human cognition with an emphasis on memory.
What drew you to Ball State? What are some of your goals for your first year here?
What drew me to Ball State was the culture of both the psychological science department and the university. There seems to be a strong sense of community here, which I feel will be instrumental in my ability to thrive here.
One goal for this first year includes developing professional relationships across the university that will enable interesting discussions and collaborations among my peers about teaching and research. Another goal I have for my first year is to learn more about how to encourage students to engage and participate in the classroom.
What are some of your hobbies/non-academic interests?
I like to listen to and collect records. I also enjoy reading and going on walks.
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