Colton Gearhart joins the Ball State Mathematical Sciences Department as an Assistant Lecturer of Mathematical Sciences.

What is your journey to Ball State?

Colton Gearhart

Prior to joining Ball State, I taught introductory courses at two community colleges. I have a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and statistics from Northern Kentucky University and a master’s degree in statistics from Miami University.

I was drawn to Ball State because actuarial science is what first brought me to statistics, and the position here was a perfect fit for me. I also had a great experience with the interview; everyone on the committee was very kind and expressed all of the great things that Ball State does for their faculty.

What are your research and teaching interests?

My statistics interests include data visualization and simulation studies using the software R. I will be teaching probability and statistics theory as well as quantitative reasoning.

What are some of your goals for your first year here?

I hope to continue developing my skills as an educator and to best prepare the actuarial students to pass Exam P.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I enjoy activities such as climbing, hiking, and cooking. I also watch a lot of sports, especially soccer and college basketball.

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