Category: Enduring Values

  • Enduring Value: Innovation – Imagine

    It’s the final week of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Innovation. William Blake said, what is now proved was only imagined. That means imagination is limitless. We can create worlds in our minds, but we don’t want them to stay there. Choose one idea that you will commit to making a reality within the […]

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  • Enduring Values: Innovation – Belief

    It’s week three of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Innovation. There are times when we may struggle to believe an opportunity for innovation exists or will present itself specifically for us. Barbara Corcoran said, ‘Finding opportunity is a matter of belief it’s there.’ What are some strategies that you’ve successfully used to navigate […]

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  • Enduring Values: Innovation – Failure

    It’s week two of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Innovation. Brene Brown said, “There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.” It’s important to remember that failure doesn’t define us. Sure, it would be ideal to succeed the first time, but failure presents us with a gift. We gain the opportunity to […]

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  • Enduring Values: Innovation – Create it

    Today starts our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Innovation.  “We commit to be creative, responsive, and progressive.” Alan Kay said, ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’ What are some ways your department is integrating innovative methods to establish a better future for generations (employees and students) to come?

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  • Enduring Values: Inclusiveness-New Doors

    It’s the final week of our month-long celebration of our enduring value, Inclusiveness. Our possibilities and opportunities broaden when we surround ourselves with different people and perspectives. Andre Woodley, Jr. said, “Every person is a new door to a different world.”  What worlds have been unlocked for you? How have your worlds transformed? How have […]

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  • Enduring Values: Inclusiveness – Wiser & Better

    It’s week three of our month-long celebration of our enduring value, Inclusiveness. We’d like to take a moment to celebrate that Ball State University has embedded it in our values. Pat Wador said, “When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become wiser, more inclusive, and better as an organization.”  The […]

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  • Enduring Value: Inclusiveness – Togetherness

    It’s week two of our month-long celebration of our Enduring Value, Inclusiveness. Henry Ford said, “coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” In what ways can you strengthen the bonds of your team? Are there opportunities to add new skillsets and perspectives by bringing new members to the […]

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