Welcome to the Winter 2010/Spring 2011 issue of Ball State Research! This is the 23rd issue of the annual publication formerly known as BeneFacta and includes pages displaying representative scholarly and creative work of Ball State University researchers.
The creative scholars found on the expandable links on the right of this page demonstrate the great energy, ingenuity, and dedication required to carry out a sponsored program. Sparks of initiative, fueled by passion and resources, produce amazing outcomes! While we celebrate these researchers, we salute all who are engaged in creativity and innovation and who pursue external funding to support their work.
Fiscal year 2009-10 brought a record level of funding—$26,406,714—in external dollars to Ball State University, as compared to $26,082,888 the previous year. The 656 proposals submitted resulted in 422 funded awards—the latter also a new record—up from 401 awards in FY 2008-09. Of particular significance this past year is having increased the median size of grant requests from academic and administrative units to $21,800 (in contrast to the $17,376 median request from departments/units the previous year). This increase signals a growing robustness of collaborative projects on campus. Faculty members are aiming higher—and are hitting lofty marks.

Robert J. Morris
We extend warm congratulations to all, and we trust that the readers of Ball State Research will discover in these stories an exceptional year of work well done.