Plans for front page bylines, awesome websites, and publication domination shouldn’t stop after we return home. We’ve all been inspired by keynote speakers, contest wins, and meeting other staffs from around the country and now it is time to follow up. Here at 5 tips to avoiding a post-conference haze.

1. Review the hashtag! There’s no possible way you attended each session. But if you take a second look at the Twitter hashtag, it’ll be kind of like you did. You can pick up on even more tips from professionals that way.

2. Schedule a brainstorm session!  You likely did not bring everyone with you to Indianapolis. If you did then you have an amazing adviser. Ideally as soon as possible, debrief your staff. Show them the program, the pictures, bring up notes and pull up online presentations. Share the knowledge!

3. Talk to your new friends!  Remember that one speaker / editor from Louisiana / adviser from Montana? Email, tweet, or whatever with people you met. Ask them how they’re using concepts they picked up from the convention.

4. Create a plan of action.  Loved a new app you saw? Did a speaker really stick with you? Picked up a new advertising plan from a different school? Create a list of new things to try and when to try them. Don’t let good notes die in your notebook.

5. Connect through social.  People you’ve met, speakers you talked to, kids from other schools. Find them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and talk to them.



photo by Lydia Hammons