Category: Alumni

  • Alumni Award Winners 2024

    For more than 100 years, graduates of Ball State University have accomplished mark-making achievements that have left both the Ball State community and the world proud一bestselling novels, dedicated service, award-winning articles, memorable lectures and successful business ventures. A quick glance at the history of Ball State’s alumni and their success is enough to highlight the […]

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  • Helping Students Navigate Their Journey

    Over the years, Bill Walters ‘72 would thumb through the latest issue of the Ball State Alumni magazine, feeling a swell of pride for his alma mater before setting it aside to resume his busy career in corporate advertising. “I would get the magazine, read a couple articles, and then set it aside. I think […]

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  • Honoring Her Parents’ Legacy

    Julie Mannies ‘86 is more than just a proud Ball State alumna. She truly represents what it means to answer Our Call to Beneficence. Her love for Ball State University and her desire to honor her parents’ legacy inspired her to give back to the university that had given her so much.  Julie came to […]

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  • Alumni Council Welcomes New Members, Honors Outgoing Members

    Ball State’s Alumni Council is the governing body of the Alumni Association, with members serving as ambassadors for the University. These individuals play an active role in strategic decision-making for our 217,000+ alumni. On June 14th, the Alumni Council convened in person to continue their work on strategic alumni engagement initiatives.  During the Council’s business […]

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  • Young Alumni Council Welcomes New Members

    Ball State’s young alumni are an important part of the Cardinal family, and those who have graduated within the past 15 years are invited to join Ball State’s Young Alumni Council (YAC), a group of alumni volunteers seeking to remain engaged and empower others to do the same. The mission behind YAC is to foster a […]

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  • A World of Opportunities with Yuliya Day

    Yuliya Day attended Ball State University from 2001-2005 and received a bachelor’s degree in international business. After getting her MBA, Yuliya went on to lead a successful career in business and is now the Head of Business Unit Development and Execution at KraftHeinz Company in Chicago, Illinois. Yuliya loves her current position as she gets […]

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  • January Foundation Board Profiles

    Get to know our board members! Each month, the Foundation will be featuring three of its esteemed board members for you to get to know a little bit better. Below are some fun facts as well as a peek into what each of these board members do in their professional careers. Mark Ervin (2001-2018) Mark […]

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