MONDAY | MAR 24 | 4PM | AB 100

Emily Roush-Elliott will deliver a lecture “Fifty Ways to Use your License” on March 24 as part of the Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning guest lecture series. She will share lessons learned from 15 years of “alternative” practice, including over a decade of leading a social impact design build firm working to address racial inequity through the built environment in the Mississippi Delta region. 

Ms. Roush-Elliott is a founding partner of the Delta Design Build Workshop, a social impact design build organization that builds equity through the built environment in the Mississippi Delta. Projects include design, construction and development of healthy, affordable housing, capacity building alongside small municipalities, and advocacy for equitable and energy efficient housing policies and programs.

Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning guest lecture series is free and open to the public.

Learning objectives 

  • Attendees will gain a broad understanding of the wide range of career trajectories available to architecture graduates.
  • An in-depth look at Delta DB’s practice model will demonstrate to attendees an example of an architecture practice that prioritizes social sustainability.
  • A range of project types including planning efforts, grant writing, training programs, research, housing design, and public space projects will explore the myriad ways that the skills of architects can be applied.
  • Attendees will be able to clearly articulate links between the impacts of the built environmental on health – mental and physical and at the scale of the individual and the community.


Emily Roush-Elliott is a founding partner of the Delta Design Build Workshop (Delta DB). She was awarded an Enterprise Rose Architectural Fellowship (2013-2015) that brought her, along with her partner Richard Elliott, to the Mississippi Delta in 2013. The Delta DB team has managed over $9.5M in socially impactful design, construction and development projects.

Ms. Roush-Elliott earned a Master of Architecture from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor of Science in Design from Arizona State University. She is a licensed architect and is also certified in wilderness first aid, a licensed lead inspector, and is currently pursuing a Level 1 Cheese Associate from the Academy of Cheese. Emily received the AIA Citizen Architect Award in 2021 and the AIA Young Architect Award in 2022. She has served on various juries, boards and committees which currently include the AIA Housing and Community Development Knowledge Community, AIA Mississippi’s newly formed COTE Chapter, and she is the chair of the Greenwood Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.