ECAP’s Historic Preservation Time Travelers program has won the Indiana Landmarks’ 2024 Sandi Servaas Memorial Award, recognizing outstanding achievement in historic preservation. The program, aimed at children ages 9-12, fosters a deeper appreciation for history and community heritage through innovative, hands-on activities. As the youth-serving category winner, Time Travelers receives $1,000 and a sculpture “No Doors to Lock Out the Past” by the late Evansville artist John McNaughton.

The Time Travelers program uses creative methods to engage children, including sculpting building façades in clay, photographing architectural details, and building their own landmarks. Activities such as scavenger hunts and walking tours help students discover local landmarks and architectural styles. Based at Madjax, a historic factory-turned-maker-space, students explore the building materials and history of the site. 

J.P. Hall, assistant professor and program leader, emphasizes, “By encouraging students to see their surroundings in a new light, we’re planting the seeds about the importance of architecture, design, community, and making quality places.”