MARCH 3, 2022 | 3:00 PM
Join President Mearns Thursday for a town hall meeting in AB 100 or by zoom. Topics will include enrollment info, new budget model info and Q & A.
CAP has been invited by Ball Brothers Foundation to submit a grant application that would support CAP’s presence and access to Madjax for another three years.
CAP has been selected to have a mini-documentary shot for the Dennis Quaid-hosted PBS program Viewpoints which runs on PBS channels across the country. More details to come.
FACT OF THE WEEK – CAP undergraduate enrollment has grown 54% in the last five years. Current student population (grad and undergrad) is just under 1,100 students located in two buildings on campus and at CAP:Indy. – Lori Pence
- ULI Workshops through the Urban Planning Department PLUS
- Summer Experiences:
DesignWorks, Interior Design Summer Workshops, Architecture + Planning Camp @CAP:Indy
On February 12, the Student Services Office hosted an Introduction to Design Thinking workshop for high school students at CAP:Indy. Adriana Keramida-Strahl created the content using principles and projects taught in the Common First-Year studios. The students learned about Ching Organizing Systems (Grid, Radial, Linear), Ordering Principles (Hierarchy, Rhythm, and Transformation), and Serra Verbs. Architecture students, Charlie Davis, and Kristian Irving assisted throughout the day.
CAP’s first faculty Pecha Kucha presentation
Participants: Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Joe Blalock, Associate Professor of Architecture Joshua Coggeshall, Professor of Architecture Ana de Brea, Associate Professor of Urban Planning Lohren Deeg, Visiting Roan Distinguished Professor of Practice in Landscape Architecture Craig Farnsworth, Assistant Teaching Professor of Landscape Architecture Rachel Kavathe, Associate Professor of Architecture Kevin Klinger, and Associate Professor of Practice of Architecture, Miguel San Miguel.
Jonathan Moody/Bridging the Gap
MONDAY | MAR 28, 2022 | 4:00 PM | Live in AB 100 or via Zoom
For a link to watch the lecture, email
AIA continuing education credit for this lecture. If you would like credit, let us know when you write for the link.
More Information here.
CAP Gallery Exhibit
Instrumental features the project Calibrate, designed by Natalie Yates as well as the other site-specific installations included in the 2020–2021 cycle of Exhibit Columbus, New Middles: From Main Street To Megalopolis, What Is The Future Of The Middle City? co-curated by Iker Gil and Mimi Zeiger
Calibrate, by Natalie Yates, is a robotic drawing machine which registers and perceives multiple timescales of accumulated environment data gathered from across Columbus and the Ohio River watershed, from geologic time to real-time sensing data.
Exhibit Columbus is a program of Landmark Columbus Foundation, and an exploration of architecture, art, design, and community that activates the design legacy of Columbus, Indiana.
By Natalie Yates, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, 20-21 University Design Research Fellow and Janice Shimizu, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Associate Curator Exhibit Columbus
Dean’s ShootOut
Dave Ferguson and MArch student Nathan Blei represented CAP among ten teams at the annual Deans ShootOut during halftime of the mens basketball game with Northern Illinois – and won. We will host the traveling trophy until next February.
- Our MCAA (Mechanical Contractors Association of America) Student Chapter placed 6th nationwide in their student competition. Sherif is the faculty advisor.
- An interdisciplinary team of students competed at the University of Cincinnati in the New Builders competition – winning first place. This is the first time at this event. Cynthia and Mohsen are the coaches.
- Conducting observations and preparing for the studio layout research project with furniture installation from Krueger International in the ID studios.
Virtual Newark Earthworks
CAP’s Institute for Digital Intermedia Arts (IDIA Lab) is creating a permanent virtual reality exhibit for the upcoming Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks: Wonders of the Ancient World exhibit at the Ohio History Center in Columbus, Ohio. The concept is to recreate the Adena-Hopewell mounds site in Newark, Ohio employing the metaphor of a traditional museum diorama – but reinterpreting the form as 4-sided immersive and interactive VR box theater. The exhibit will open late Spring 2022 in Columbus, Ohio. Small scale prototype pictured below:
Virtual Reality Museum Exhibition
IDIA Lab has been contracted to develop a permanent exhibition for the new Indiana University Museum of Archeology and Anthropology in Bloomington, IN. The exhibit will create a large-scale immersive experience exploring Angel Mounds in Southern Indiana, one of the best-preserved pre-contact Native American sites in North America. IDIA will digitally restore the site and virtually simulate correct solar and lunar positioning using NASA JPL data, exploring the many celestial alignments known to exist. The IDIA Lab is employing high-resolution LiDAR data captured by a drone, to create a snapshot of the current site. After removing modern elements, trees, roads, etc. a reconstruction model is being designed that includes absent features – surveyed in the 19th century but lost to modern development. The virtual, large scale GeoDome system is designed by our partner, the Eluminati, who also constructed IDIA Lab’s current VR theater system in CAP. The virtual exhibition will allow groups of visitors to immersively explore various aspects of the life, objects. environment and culture of these indigenous Mississippian people. The exhibit will be launched in 2022.

Digitally restored Angel Mounds in Southern Indiana, one of the best-preserved pre-contact Native American sites in North America.
Tour of Electric Works in Ft. Wayne
Alum Jeff Kingsbury led a group of students and faculty from the Urban Planning Dept on a tour of the buildings at the former GE plant in Ft. Wayne, ElectricWorks. The project will be open next fall and CAP will have a work location on-site.
We are pleased to announce that Ball State advanced to the finals in every category… New Housing, Retrofit Housing, Attached Housing, Office Building and Education Building. In April, after receiving the “approval to proceed” for the Build of Alley House, we will receive a guaranteed $50,000 from the Department of Energy (given to of all of the “approved to proceed” Build Challenge Projects)! This is a major “grand slam” again emphasizing the amazing work of all our faculty advisors and terrific graduate and research assistants, and of course our talented students! The event also is both virtual and in-person at the National Renewable Energy Lab, so Colorado HERE WE COME!!!!!
37th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student Coming Up
The 37th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS) will be held at Ball State University from March 31-April 2, 2022 in the College of Architecture and Planning. The theme for the conference is BLATANT | LATENT, which asks authors to discuss the seen and unseen in beginning design.
More information here.
TOP 100 Students
CAP had 14 students in the top 100 (14% of the university total while our student population is 5% of the university)
More information here.