MONDAYS | 4:00 PM | Zoom Links & viewing in AB 100
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- NOV 01 – Autumn Visconti, landscape architect with BIG who has a wide appeal across disciplines.
- NOV 15 – Tony Costello, “A Decade of Humanitarian Accomplishments in Haiti,” Live lecture. (Tony will receive an award for this work on Sept. 23.)
- MAR 28 – Jonathan Moody, architect, lecture and gallery exhibit. Live lecture.
- CAP: INDY has been approved by Homeland Security and the Higher Learning Commission to accept international students starting next fall
- CAP:INDY was also the site of a video shoot last week for footage that will appear in the new BSU television commercial
- Roger Neuenschwander, Scott Truex and Dave Ferguson were in Ft Wayne last week meeting with 25 alums to set up the first Ft. Wayne Civic Design Studio scheduled for spring semester 2022
- Dave Ferguson presented to Schmidt Assoc last week as part of Schmidt’s advancement of their scholarship for CAP students, which has doubled in size this year
- Alumnus Craig Hartman (SOM) is serving as the first Dean’s Innovation Fellow this year with the purpose of advancing design conceptualization for a potential major building addition to the CAP (AB) building
- Madjax and CAP reps are in discussion to establish an ongoing, multi-year relationship to jointly serve the east central Indiana region as a makers hub
- The ECAP Alumni Awards will be presented via a zoom event on the evening of Oct. 25

Joe Skibba: Covington
College of Architecture Exhibits Program
International Architectural Illustration Competition American Society of Architectural Illustrators
September 28-November 12
- The Accreditation submittal for the Master of Architecture program was forwarded to NAAB on Sept. 7, in advance of the spring semester 2022 accreditation visit.
- The Architecture Dept Advisory Board will meet Oct.22
- Gary Birk was recognized with the Outstanding Faculty Award by the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.
- Shireen Kanakri was selected as a panelist for Gensler’s Wellness Practice retreat and as a member of BSU’s High Impact Practice Faculty Learning Community.
- Sarah Angne Alfaro presented to the department on her faculty externship with Subaru and has been selected as the Phi Upsilon Omicron Region 1 Councilor for 20121-2026.
- Jennifer Warrner led a group of 13 CM students who volunteered at the Ross Center earlier this month.
- Students in our ID Studio 3, taught by Reza Ahmadi and Sarah Angne Alfaro, presented their initial work to members of the First Presbyterian Church’s Pre-K program. The students are working on conceptual redesigns of the space as part of a University Design Center project funded by the community partner.
- Jake Senne (graduated this past spring) received an Honor Award from INASLA this year for his capstone project.
- The Benson-Chatfield Scholarship has been established for MLA or MUD students by Professor Emeritus Rob Benson.
- The Department of Urban Planning is offering workshops for high school students via a partnership with Urban Land Institute and a grant from the Ball State Discovery Group. The workshop, called UrbanPlan, will be taught by Instructor Mary Banning with assistance from half a dozen undergraduate planning students.
- The high schoolers will learn to weight competing needs and to solve complex problems as they compete to create the best infill plan for a fictional downtown gutted by fire. Workshops begin in November and continue through spring.
- Nearly two dozen planning students and CAP first-year students took part in the annual White River Clean-Up on Sept. 18. Students walked the banks of the river around the Kitselman Trailhead, cleaning up litter and enjoying gorgeous sunny Saturday morning with Chair Scott Truex and leaders of the Student Planning Association.
White River cleanup
- Urban Planning started out the school year with a pizza party and a trivia contest in their Muncie Mall storefront. Associate Prof. Lohren Deeg wrote the trivia questions, and they were hard!
- Urban Planning hosted the Center For Energy Education Renewal Energy Symposium for ECI elected officials at Mall Storefront in September. It included showcasing the Mobile Power Station made here in Muncie by DD Dannar, LLC.
- The 3rd Year UP Neighborhood Studio under the direction of Adjunct professor Heather Williams and Chair Truex received an Immersive Learning grant to conduct neighborhood plans for five neighborhoods on the westside of Muncie. The class has been hearing from local city officials and neighborhood leaders while touring community development projects and presenting initial research to residents.
- The department hosted Mike Mallon as part of the GLS at the Mall Storefront and live streamed the talk for CEU credits for alumni and other professionals. The topic “Is Retail Dead?” – kicking off the department yearlong study focused on the redevelopment potentials of the Muncie Mall.
Mike Mallon presents at the Mall
- The IDIA Lab has been contracted to develop a permanent exhibition for the new Indiana University Museum of Archeology and Anthropology in Bloomington, IN. The exhibit will create a large-scale immersive experience exploring Angel Mounds in Southern Indiana, one of the best-preserved pre-contact Native American sites in North America. Built between A.D. 1000 and 1450, the community was occupied by more than 1,000 people who were part of a expansive Mississippian culture. In addition to recreating the site as it might have stood in the 15th century, IDIA will virtually simulate correct solar and lunar posiitioning using NASA JPL data, exploring the many celestial alignments known to exist.The IDIA Lab is employing high-resolution LiDAR data captured by a drone, to create a snapsbot of the current site. After removing modern elements, trees, roads, etc. a reconstruction model is being designed that includes absent features – surveyed in the 19th century but lost to modern development. The virtual, large scale GeoDome system is designed by our partner, the Eluminati, who also constructed IDIA Lab’s current CAVE system in CAP. The virtual exhibition will allow groups of visitors to immersively explore various aspects of the life, objects. environment and culture of these indigenous Mississipian people. The exhibit will be launched in 2022.
Work in Progress: Image of the LiDAR model of Angel Mounds.
- Cope Environmental Education Center…achieves Living Building Certification (LBC)The International Living Future Institute (ILFI) recently announced that the Cope Environmental Education Center located in Centerville, Indiana has been awarded Living Building Certification.This is only the 29th building in the world to receive full Living Building Certification by ILFI, which comprises evidentiary performance in seven ‘Petals’ of focus including Place, Water, Energy, Health and Happiness, Materials, Equity, and Beauty. Overall, some 20 imperatives had to be met during the design, construction and occupation of the facility in which the final documentation submittal included actual measured performance during a year of occupancy.This is the result of multiple years of collaboration between the design architect Kevin McCurdy (CAP Grad) with LWC in Richmond, the staff of the Cope Environmental Education Center, including Alison Zajdel, Kaitlyn Blanset, and Holly Miller and faculty, staff and students (Robert J. Koester, Jeff Culp, Lauren McWhorter, and Ben Grayson) of the Center for Energy Research/Education/Service (CERES),NOTE:
This is the only building in Indiana to have ever pursued this standard of net-positive achievement.
Additional information is available here: