- Breaking Down Skills to Scaffold Learningby John CarterA persistent challenge in my teaching practice is navigating the line between what I know and what my learners know and gauging which of my disciplinary knowledge and skills have a complexity I take for granted. As experts in our fields, it can be difficult for us to stay mindful of just how complex basic… Read more: Breaking Down Skills to Scaffold Learning
- Intentional Course Design to Support Student Wellbeing by Cheri MadewellThis article highlights two teaching strategies you can apply to your courses with student wellbeing in mind: distilling assignments into manageable steps and adding check-in assignments to foster a climate of care. These strategies can be incorporated in person and in Canvas, which can be an important extension of your physical classroom. Strategy #1: Distill… Read more: Intentional Course Design to Support Student Wellbeing
- What Students Want You to Know But May Not Write on Their Evaluationsby Mac ClarkIncorporate these common student suggestions from the Teaching Innovation Team’s Midterm Feedback Service to your spring courses. As we wrap up the fall semester, you may be reflecting on ways to successfully modify your courses for spring. Student feedback can offer instructive guidance in making course revisions. The Teaching Innovation Team, part of the Division… Read more: What Students Want You to Know But May Not Write on Their Evaluations
- Remembering My First Year at Ball Stateby Caleb GreenRecalling my own stressful first year in college to connect with the experiences of our students. As a former Ball State University student, and now employee, I am compelled to tell you about my previous learner experiences because they are like many students before and after me. In many ways, some of the pressures learners… Read more: Remembering My First Year at Ball State
- Student-Driven Team Building: A Self-Assessment Approach to Forming Effective Project Groups in Higher Educationby Carlos Lopez MercadoLearn about a student-driven team building approach to turn dreaded group projects into powerful learning experiences. Introduction: A Student’s Perspective On the first day of teaching a project management class for art and journalism students, we discussed the syllabus and the importance of team assignments. As I emphasized the significance of collaborative work, a senior… Read more: Student-Driven Team Building: A Self-Assessment Approach to Forming Effective Project Groups in Higher Education