Meet the students behind the Honors Blog!

The rebranding of the Honors social media and creation of the blog is a part of a fellowship headed by four Honors students. Below you can read about their interests, their tentative future plans, and what Honors means to them. 

Grace Goze

Major: Creative Writing
Minor: History
Class of 2021

Besides being an Honors student, Grace is a member of ABSO Improv Comedy and the BSU Tonight Writing Staff. In her free time, she is often watching standup or true crime documentaries on Netflix, writing, or enjoying a Wendy’s 4 for $4. Grace’s dream job is to work as a writer for Saturday Night Live, but she’ll settle for any sort of comedy writing in the future.

Grace is enthusiastic about her involvement with the blog because to her, the Honors experience is about exploration. She feels that the Honors program helps students make the most of their education while finding their hidden passions. It allows students to freely “nerd out” and have rich conversations with diverse groups of people. Currently, Grace is reading When I Grow Up I Want to be a List of Further Possibilities, a book of poetry by Chen Chen and constantly listening to WHEN WE FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? by Billie Eilish.

Maggie Sutton

Major: Creative Writing Major
Class of 2020

Maggie joined the Honors College because she wanted to surround herself with dynamic and motivated people with different ways of seeing the world. She is associate editor of NCHC’s UReCA, member of Sigma Tau Delta, and is co-editor of News and Notes. Maggie plans to work for a couple years (stay tuned for more details!) after graduating before going on to medical school, and then hopefully a residency in psychiatry. She also plans on someday completing an MFA program and dedicating a large portion of her time to writing. Right now she is excitedly preparing to head to Cape Town, South Africa for a summer internship.

Ben Sapet

Major: Rhetoric and Writing
Class of 2020

Ben came to the Honors College feeling super inadequate because he couldn’t keep up with his classmates’ impassioned Jane Eyre debates. Once Ben became a peer mentor and found the niches of art, history, and literature got him excited, being well-read and verbose mattered a lot less. In his time with Honors, Ben has found and made opportunities to connect ideas that interest him—it was actually Honors that led him to his beloved rhetoric and writing concentration. Interested in writing, editing, and investigating the spaces where art and pop culture intersect, Ben spends most of his time looking at various screens and hopes to make a career out of that.

At the moment, he’s reading The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes, a Tibetan book from 1999 in which Conan Doyle’s Sherlock, after faking his death at Reichenbach Falls, travels to Tibet and India to lay low. Ben’s also been watching and rewatching the Scream and Final Destination movies because the cultural fears of the 90s and early 2000s feel weird and distant now.

Isabel Parham

Major: English Studies
Minor: Sociology
Class of 2021

Isabel joined the Honors College not knowing exactly how it was going to contribute to her time at Ball State. However, after taking some wonderful classes from a diverse group of professors, she has learned that the Honors College helps broaden your perspective and expose you to a wide variety of viewpoints, especially because the students in your Honors classes come from so many different fields of study. The Honors College has encouraged Isabel to ask questions she had never considered before, allowed her to improve on her writing, and generally get better about speaking up in class.
As well as being part of the Honors College, Isabel is a Mentor for the College Mentors for Kids program at Ball State, a copy editor for Stance, and a member of Sigma Tau Delta. After graduation, Isabel is interested in moving somewhere warm, adopting a dog, and hopefully working in the publishing industry. On the rare occasion Isabel isn’t doing homework, she enjoys listening to true crime podcasts, taking BuzzFeed quizzes,  and making extensive 2000s girl group Spotify playlists.