Cardinals Helping Cardinals

In spring 2022, halfway through her second year at Ball State, Megan Pax ‘24 received distressing news that her father had been hospitalized with COVID-19. In addition to worrying about her father while trying to focus on her studies, she soon felt the financial strain. Her parents had been contributing to her education as she pursued her degree; however, with her father unable to work for an extended period, Megan couldn’t afford to pay the studio fees necessary for her Art Education degree. After learning about Ball State’s Student Emergency Aid Program, she felt unsure if she would qualify for assistance, but she had few options. So, she applied. 

Soon after applying, she was notified that she would receive a grant, which would cover the fees for two studio classes that semester. “Those two studio classes were required for my degree and were critical to helping me stay on track in my program,” Megan shared. “I had beneficial experiences that semester that helped me discover that I wanted to teach students in the future. The emergency aid grant helped me progress as an art educator. I felt relieved.”  

Since 2020, Ball State University has provided nearly $400,000 in emergency aid funding to 859 students in need, with support from donors and with grant funding through PepsiCo. The Student Emergency Aid Program prioritizes grants to students who are unable to afford immediate, essential expenses such as paying rent and utilities, purchasing textbooks, and gaining access to food. 

“As the staff member on campus who meets with each student seeking support, I get to see first-hand the impact that donor support has on these students’ lives,” said Dr. Tiffany Peters, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. “They express their gratitude to us and how much the grant means to them.” 

For Megan, the emergency aid funds she received were critical for continuing her education so she could eventually graduate in May 2024. She is one of many students who has been met with generosity and empathy as they persevere through a difficult time.   

“As we look towards another academic year, we know students will face challenges,” acknowledged Dr. Peters. “The Student Emergency Aid Program, with donor support, will help them meet those challenges so they can continue their education at Ball State.” 

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