Here at the David Owsley Museum of Art, we take to heart the tradition of continuing a student’s opportunities past the classroom and furthering their experiences and skills in the field. Every semester, DOMA selects a new team of interns to teach them about the many professions they can try in the museum field. DOMA welcomes this semester five new interns, all excited to succeed in the future with the knowledge they gain from working with Muncie’s gateway to the world of art.

Noah Davis-CheschireMy name is Noah Davis-Cheshire and I am a senior with majors in intermedia art and creative writing, as well as a minor in Chinese. As an education intern, I am part of the team that ensures all visitors leave the museum accidentally smarter than when they arrived. The bulk of my work will involve collecting information on items in the collection so that other staff members have a thorough base of information to draw from when discussing them. Speaking personally, DOMA has often felt like a place of respite from the hectic life of a student. The quiet, solitary atmosphere, the beautiful works of art and the chance to learn a bit about world culture and history always make the museum feel as cozy as a library (high praise, I assure you). A library, albeit, with a surprising amount of nudity and weapons. I am excited to learn about all the work that goes on behind the scenes to keep the place running, not to mention the skills required for one of the more pragmatic career paths in the fine arts community.

Sam Kirchner

My name is Samantha Kirchner. I am currently a senior at Ball State studying fine arts with a concentration in art history. For the fall semester of 2019, I am working at DOMA as an education intern. My job is to research works within our collection in order to compile information sheets for our docents to use on tours, as well as to write segments called Owsley Moments for the Ball State Radio station. In addition, I will be helping plan and run special events that are hosted here at the museum. I would consider the museum to be a gem of Muncie, which is one of the reasons I applied for the position. DOMA has such a wide collection of art and artifacts that I find to be an amazing asset to the Ball State campus, as well as the Muncie community. It is pretty incredible how we have many works from all around the world that are here to help educate and expose us to different cultures.


sarah-smith.jpgMy name is Sarah Smith and I am a third year Anthropology undergraduate and a curatorial intern for DOMA. My main responsibility is to research museum objects and create museum labels that visitors will read to learn more about a work, so my primary duties involve writing and research. I loved DOMA as soon as I stepped into it because of its vast array ancient and historical artifacts, specifically the cuneiform tablets. As an anthropology major, the idea of being able to study real ancient and culturally significant artifacts was too good of an opportunity to pass up. As soon as I learned they were accepting interns I decided to apply. I love to write and I love doing research, especially on cultures and traditions I’m not familiar with. Working at DOMA allows me to do research and provide information to the general public while also being able to see and touch a physical object. In my opinion, nothing makes a culture more real and present than holding an object from it. A unique fact about me is that I love crafting, especially papercrafts!

Michaela Cox-cropped

My name is Michaela Cox and I am a senior at Ball State, majoring in marketing with a minor in economics. This fall semester I will be working as one of the public relations and marketing interns at DOMA. During my internship, I will be posting to the museum’s social media accounts, writing for the DOMA Insider blog, and participating in outreach programs on campus and in the community. As a student at Ball State, I have visited the David Owsley Museum of Art with professors and classmates, with friends and with my family, and each time I notice and react to artifacts and exhibits in a new way. DOMA is engaging and diverse in the vast collection that it displays. Being able to share the museum experience with others through social media and blog writing is really exciting to me.


micaela-knox.pngHi! I am Micaela Knox, the other half of the public relations and marketing intern team! I am a senior in public relations focusing on event planning and management, along with a minor in Spanish. This semester, I am managing DOMA’s Facebook page, writing for the DOMA Insider, and working on any other projects that come my way. The museum is my favorite place to be. I spend almost every day here, wearing a few different hats (intern, museum guard, and a docent!). I am enthralled by art and history and I am proud to have the ability to help guide the Muncie and BSU community through the “Gateway to the World of Art”. In the future, I plan on using my experiences here to gain a career in managing PR and events in the museum field.


If you’re in the museum and see any of the new interns this semester, feel free to say hi! We are looking forward to a great new semester.


Remember to like + follow DOMA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all new contents and news!