On Saturday, June 8, I volunteered to work at the booth for the David Owsley Museum of Art at the Festival on the Green at Ball State University. I enjoyed an evening that was full of wonderful music provided by the Muncie Symphony Orchestra and interacting with people in the community. There were many booths that included local artists, businesses, and places such as Minnetrista and the Muncie Public Library, and much, much more.
For the Museum of Art, our booth provided sketching paper, pencils, and sidewalk chalk for artists of all ages to add their art to our “gallery.” Once an artist would finish their work, it was then hung on a clothesline that was strung around our canopy. Images of artwork from the museum were also included. Here’s a sample of the work that was made!
As an artist myself, it was fun to see young (and old) artists at work. Just look at how deep in concentration this little guy is!

Photo taken by The Star Press. To see more photos of the event, click here.
I know I’m not the only one who enjoyed the event. Nadine Tringali, a community member here in Muncie shared her thoughts with me:
“I really enjoyed the Concert on the Green. It is a wonderful chance for our community to gather together in a beautiful outdoor setting and enjoy an evening of music together. And it is free!!! The Arts and Craft fair, the dining events, the car show, are all an added value to this event. It offers something for everyone. To gather together in the beautiful space in front of the David Owsley Museum of Art, preparing to hear the symphony with a picnic basket, blanket, and good company is a wonderful gift. The conductor’s description of the music was a treat and helped everyone to understand the historical context of the music. It is an event that my family and friends look forward to each summer.”
In addition, I also had the opportunity to work with Vinny Pucciarelli who volunteered to help with our booth for the Festival on the Green. Vinny has been a docent at the David Owsley Museum of Art for three years, and has thoroughly enjoyed working there. He says,
“During my full time working years I did not have the time to explore much in the art world even though I felt some interest towards its mystery. As I have learned the DOMA is a jewel within BSU and Muncie and is a much under-utilized resource by the community. It is a great place for exploring culture, history, color, light, and emotion through art or just a good place to muse. The DOMA and its staff have provided me not only the opportunity but the training to enhance my knowledge and thus hopefully pass my art enjoyment on to the visitors that tour with me. I like to make my tours fun for my visitors and for myself. I also like to participate in the special events that occur from time to time in our town that provide visibility to the DOMA so more folks can take advantage of this great asset which is free to all.”
Events such as the Festival on the Green are a great way to bring a community together, and I hope everyone who attended enjoyed it as much as I did. For those unable to attend, I would recommend going next summer. But in the meantime, why not visit the David Owsley Museum of Art! Through my time here as an intern, I have also learned, like Vinny, that the David Owsley Museum of Art is a fascinating place to explore; there is so much to see and so much to learn. Come take a look!