Meet Logan Wood, a senior majoring in Video Production. In this blog, Logan shares how his passion for the outdoors and filmmaking led him to an internship working in Yosemite National Park. He talks about some of the unexpected challenges as well as how he grew as a filmmaker.
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What did you do this Summer?
This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at the Yosemite guiding company, Lasting Adventures. In the last 25 years, the company has become the leading summer camp and guide service company in Yosemite National Park. My role as a marketing intern was to create promotional videos and graphics for marketing use. Throughout the summer, I captured summer camp drop-offs, trip preparation and sat down with many of the guides and administrators to talk about what it’s like to work in this beautiful place.
I accepted the position at Lasting Adventures to combine my two passions: the outdoors and filmmaking. However, what I got out of my time in Yosemite was much more. In the first half of the summer, I was fortunate enough to guide an adult trip. Four days and three nights in the backcountry, finishing off with a sunset hike up to the summit of Half Dome. It was during this trip that I grew as both a leader and photographer. I found my voice while guiding families through the trails and making sure they were safe. I also learned a fair amount about producing content on the go. Everything from the importance of having extra batteries to knowing that my gear was safe was a constant battle and learning experience.

The second half of the internship was more focused on creating content for the company. My schedule was open most days to work on any projects I wanted. This kind of creative control is rare and very beneficial. I pulled many of the things I learned in my classes here at Ball State in my projects. Fundamentals taught in beginning production classes coupled with a basic knowledge of storytelling helped create impactful pieces. Additionally, courses like TCOM350 Motion Graphics and Design helped me create aesthetic designs for the company.

Did you face any challenges?
I think one of the most challenging parts of the internship was the environment. Living out of my car seemed normal after a few days but producing videos in the California sun posed a new obstacle. I vividly remember shooting an entire interview with the company’s founder only to find out my phone had overheated halfway through, cutting out my lav mic—terrible feeling. But the only thing you can do in those situations is push forward and schedule a reshoot. Through a lot of trial and error, I created my own workflow for producing the videos and content. Overall, I believe I approached my projects this summer with a sense of confidence and professionalism because of the coursework here at CCIM.
Check out one of my projects below, and follow me on Instagram for more!
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