Get to know Liana Mann, a July 2022 graduate from the Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education program in the Department of Educational Leadership.


Liana Mann (She/Her)


Charlotte, North Carolina

Undergraduate major/minor:

Music Education specialization choral

Undergraduate alma mater:

Bowling Green State University

When did you graduate with your bachelor’s degree?

Spring 2021

Graduate program:

Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education (SAAHE)

What are your research interests and/or thesis subject?

Asian American and Pacific Islander students in Higher Education, transracial adoptees and how they persist, Academic Burnout in students

What made you want to pursue a career in education?

Education has always been important to me. In high school my teachers, specifically my choir teacher influenced me greatly. I always wanted to help shape lives of future students and during my undergrad I felt as though helping new students through the transition to college resonated with me. That’s why I decided to pursue student affairs.

What made you choose Ball State?

Ball State had many requirements that I wanted in a higher education program. First was the required assistantship. I wanted to gain more experiences in higher education other than residence life and Ball State offered me an assistantship in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Second was a required practicum. Having a practicum in another office helped me gain more experience and helped me learn more about a different functional areas. Third was the faculty. I met with Dr. Phelps-Ward on zoom for an information session about the program, I felt that she cared about the program and the success of every student. Ball State felt welcoming even though I couldn’t tour. I took a chance on Ball State and I have never looked back.

What was your favorite part of your experience at Ball State?

My favorite part about my experience at Ball State was all the connections I made. The cohort of people in my program helped me make friends. The offices I got to work in (Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Disability Services, and New Student Orientation) all treated me with respect and helped me learn. I was able to connect with other SAAHE graduates all over the country and learn what they do.

Do you have any post-graduation plans you would like to share? A job, or continuing studies?

I have been working as an Assistant Director of Admissions and Orientation at Ball State since mid-May.

Were you involved with any campus organizations during either your undergraduate or graduate studies? 

Undergraduate: Ohio Music Educators Association, Residence Life, Music Admissions, American Choral Directors Association, Sigma Alpha Iota

Graduate: Chi Sigma Alpha

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what?

Knitting, crocheting, crafting, running, musical theater

Fun fact about yourself:

I was a girl scout for 13 years.

Is there anything else you would like to add? Any fun projects you worked on? Favorite class/professor? Etc.

My favorite professor was Dr. Latz. I had four different classes with her because of my graduate certificate and each class I had with her was unique.