Thirty-three of the 200 high-achieving high school and college students who were awarded a Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education will be attending Ball State University in the fall.

The next Ball State winner we are highlighting is Emily Forston, who already has a year of classes at Ball State under her belt. Emily Forston


Emily Forston (She/Her)


Gentryville, Indiana

High School:

Heritage Hills High School

HS Graduation Date:

May 2021

What extracurricular activities do you participate in?

In high school, I was involved in cheerleading, theatre, Patriot Vibe Show Choir, Beta Club, Pep Club, Optimist Club, and mentoring for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

At Ball State this past year I was involved in Future Educators Peer Mentoring program as well as gymnastics club during my first semester.

What are you studying at Ball State?

Elementary Education

What makes you want to become an educator/teacher?

I’ve always wanted to choose a career path which would make a difference. Through babysitting, coaching, and tutoring, I’ve figured out that working with kids and teaching is my calling. I can’t think of anything more impactful than shaping the minds of my students, because they will one day grow up to shape the future in their own ways. I was fortunate to have elementary teachers who were supportive, positive, and passionate for learning, and I hope to instill the same enthusiasm in my future students.

Emily ForstonWhat made you choose Ball State?

I’ve had a few family members who went to Ball State, and when visiting my cousin, I fell in love with the campus. I was very excited when I found out the university had originally started out as a teacher’s college, and that they were building Northwest to be the teaching LLC. It’s far from home, but I saw that as an opportunity to branch out, gain new experiences, and meet new people. Overall, I felt it was the best fit for me.

What are you most excited about/looking forward to this fall?

I am very excited for the classes I have this upcoming semester. My education specific classes were my favorites last year, and I am especially excited that I will have one of my favorite professors again. I’m also ready to live next door to Starbucks!

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what?

I did gymnastics for many years, and I like reading, crafting, and watching movies.

Fun fact about yourself:

During the summers, I get to work at a local amusement park.

Congratulations Emily!