The Teachers College Distinguished Service Award is presented to a non-alumna(us) in recognition of their outstanding service and support for the Teachers College. Dr. Lee Ann Kwiatkowski, the Director of Public Education and Chief Executive Officer of Muncie Community Schools (MCS), is this year’s winner.

Lee Ann Kwiatkowski and Ball State President Geoffrey Mearns greeting MCS students on the first day of school in 2019.
Years of Service
Dr. Kwiatkowski, an Indiana native, has more than 35 years of experience in Indiana public education, where she has held a variety of roles. She has worked as a Teacher, Principal, and Assistant Superintendent, Chief of Staff and Director of School Improvement at the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE), Senior Education Advisor for the Office of the Governor of Indiana, and Executive Director for the Indiana State Board of Education.
Her experience with strategic planning, policy development and implementation, board relations, and school improvement is an asset to MCS. She also has significant experience with state and federal programs and budgets at the classroom, school, district, and state levels, such as Title I, Title II, Title III, gifted and talented, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.
Dr. Kwiatkowski has administered multiple grants, including a $28.5 million Race-to-the-Top federal grant, and recently, she is a partner with Teachers College’s $2.9 million Learning Recovery Grant issued by IDOE.
Dedication to Education

Lee Ann Kwiatkowski and MCS Associate Superintendent Charles Reynolds, attending the Muncie Community School Summit in 2019.
Since July 2019, when Dr. Kwiatkowski started her current role with MCS, she has worked tirelessly, effectively, and emphatically to implement the newly created principles and pillars that were developed to mold a foundation for MCS and the future of the students there. She has implemented Innovation and Strategic Plans that utilize an innovative cradle-to-career community-based model.
Among her many responsibilities, Dr. Kwiatkowski provides leadership to the schools to ensure all faculty, resources, and systemic changes continue to move in a positive and beneficial direction. She is an extraordinary leader who has earned the respect of those in MCS, and at Ball State. She has a thorough knowledge of all aspects of K-12 education and has an extensive network of professional educators who she is not afraid to call upon for assistance on a project or issue. In fact, Dr. Kwiatkowski welcomes collaboration and communication about how best to serve MCS students and families.
Dr. Charles Reynolds, Associate Superintendent of MCS, spoke highly of the work she does:
“It has been a pleasure for me to work alongside Lee Ann for the past two and half years. She brings not only a wealth of knowledge from various backgrounds, but also her work ethic is second to no one. The MCS mission statement, Placing Learners First, is the foundation that guides all of Lee Ann’s actions. She works tirelessly to ensure all students, staff, and our families have what they need to be successful. I learn from her every day.”
Lee Ann Kwiatkowski at home with her family.
Dr. Kwiatkowski is the epitome of a leader and community partner, and we would be remiss if we did not honor her for her hard work, dedication, and loyalty to MCS, the MCS-Ball State partnership, and the Muncie community as a whole.