In August, we welcomed Adonnika (Donni) West to the Office of Community Engagement as our new Graduate Assistant. (We think she’s awesome, and you will too after learning more about her!)


Question: Tell us about your graduate studies (department, what it entails, etc.). What was your undergrad degree? What is your career goal?

A: I am apart of CICS (Information and Communication Science). The focus of this program is on business leadership and understanding how modern technology is used in business settings. They also focus on computer science. My undergraduate degree was in Interpersonal Communication Studies. My career goal is to work somewhere that helps better my local community! I would be extremely happy if I was able to pursue project management for a non-profit organization.


Q: Where do you call home? And please tell us a little about your family.

A: I would say I am from two places. My hometown is South Bend, Ind., but I moved away when I was 10 to North Carolina to a small town called Washington. When I reached my senior year of high school, we moved back to South Bend. I have 6 siblings. I was the oldest of 5 in my household, but I have two older half siblings. I would say one of my best friends is my grandma!


Q: What do you like to do for fun?

A: In my free time, when I am not doing schoolwork, I like to watch animated shows (usually rewatching), crochet, fish, read, and hangout with my roommates.


Q: What has been the best part about your job at OCE so far?

A: The best part about my job at OCE so far has been the atmosphere of the office! While the tasks and event planning have been fun, I have enjoyed watching the dynamic of all the members in the office. There is so much care for everyone here and the work environment is wonderful! It has set my expectations for my own future work environment to be as supportive as this one.


Q: What are some of your responsibilities as the OCE grad assistant?

A: I have organized storage areas (which sounds boring, but is actually quite satisfying). I assist the office in preparing for events such as gathering materials, creating promotional materials, and sending emails. I deliver fliers to campus, and any other odd jobs that need to be done to make everyone else’s jobs easier!


Q: What do you hope to get out of your experiences here (that will benefit you in the future)?

A: I hope to gain some valuable people in my network. I want to build my understanding of what needs to be considered when planning and preparing for events. I also would like to network within Ball State in case I choose to stay!


Q: Anything else you’d like people to know about you?

A: I know almost every college student owns one, but I have a cat named Morty and she is literally the CUTEST thing. Here is a

Donni’s cat Morty. Yup, she’s definitely cute!

picture to prove how cute she is. I love talking about other people’s cats as well. Swapping cat pictures is so much fun!