Tag: Diversity

  • Multicultural Center Header Image

    New Digital Exhibit Celebrates History, Legacy of Multicultural Center

    Ball State University Libraries’ Archives and Special Collections, in collaboration with the Multicultural Center, recently debuted a new, freely-accessible, online, digital exhibit entitled The Ball State University Multicultural Center: Ambassadors of Campus Inclusion and Diversity.  Drawing heavily from primary sources from the University Archives and alumni collections, the exhibit provides a detailed, reflective, and compelling […]

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  • Diversity Award Winning Books

    University Libraries Collection Spotlight – Diversity Awards

    The University Libraries is pleased to present a new Collection Spotlight highlighting items from the Libraries’ collections that have received awards for addressing issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion or are authored by members of underrepresented, marginalized and minoritized communities. These Diversity Award Winning Books are conveniently arranged by award, over 20 and growing, […]

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