Category: Six Things for Local Talent Pipelines

  • student talks to employer at job fair

    Close the Talent Deal – Six Things series

    Number 6: Offer them jobs during their senior year well before their graduation. You can’t start with number six. If you do, it will be too late. However, if you have done 1-5 during their college years this will be a natural step for them and for you. But universities have job fairs in September […]

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  • Gateway to Talent Attraction – Six Things series

    Number 5: Hire them for summer jobs and internships. Help them find a spot. They often would prefer to come home because they have housing available with family. Ask your local employers and chamber members what jobs and internships may be available for students. Send a note to students at their home address over winter […]

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  • Welcoming Students Home – Six Things series

    Number 4: Welcome them back during breaks. Many students return home at Thanksgiving and even bring friends. Rally your local leaders, chamber, young professionals, etc. to host an open house at one of the student’s favorite spots. No program. Just friendly faces and some free food. Prepare your local leaders to mention a few things […]

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  • Celebrate Your Own – Six Things series

    Number 2: Celebrate before they leave town. Most communities know where their High School Seniors are heading after graduation. Don’t wait four years to start recruiting them back! Start the conversation before they leave. This may sound too simple. But find a location in town and throw a party. Or better yet – crash someone […]

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  • Student in suit smiling

    Start with your Own – Six Things series

    1 Start with your own. The college students who grew up in your community or region of the state are the “low-hanging fruit” that you’re trying to gather. They are going to land somewhere. Do they know that you’d like them to come back home and make an impact? We believe you’ll have greater success […]

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