Category: Around IN

  • Best Kept Secret – Turnstone

    March 2024 by Jeff Eads, Director for Industry Engagement  Does every town have one of those “best kept secrets”? You know, the kind of place that no one locally seems to know about but people from around the country, or even the world, travel to that town for? Well, I found one of those best […]

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  • Student walks by trees

    Innovative Solutions – Wabash County

    December 2023 by Jeff Eads I recently had the opportunity to speak with Alex Downard, Director of Imagine One 85, about the innovative Wabash County Fellowship Program. This is one of the best examples that I have seen of pulling partners together to creatively address the talent attraction needs of a community. Specifically, their approach […]

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  • High school students sitting in a classroom.

    Narrowing the Focus on Career Exploration

    December 2023 Guest blogger: Chris Walker, Principal Muncie Central High School Remember being asked “what do you want to be when you grow up”?  What resources did you have available to help truly answer this question?  What experiences did you have that helped shape what you wanted to do after high school?  Students at Muncie […]

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  • Columbia City Mayor stands behind table displaying small mailboxes

    Invitation Back Home – Columbia City

    November 2023 by Jeff Eads Every community is wrestling with the same question “how do we attract and retain talent?”  Finding the solution to this problem is critical to the future of Indiana communities.    While there can be many factors at play in this conversation the leaders of Columbia City have had a simple but […]

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