Month: March 2024

  • student talks to employer at job fair

    Close the Talent Deal – Six Things series

    Number 6: Offer them jobs during their senior year well before their graduation. You can’t start with number six. If you do, it will be too late. However, if you have done 1-5 during their college years this will be a natural step for them and for you. But universities have job fairs in September […]

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  • Gateway to Talent Attraction – Six Things series

    Number 5: Hire them for summer jobs and internships. Help them find a spot. They often would prefer to come home because they have housing available with family. Ask your local employers and chamber members what jobs and internships may be available for students. Send a note to students at their home address over winter […]

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  • Best Kept Secret – Turnstone

    March 2024 by Jeff Eads, Director for Industry Engagement  Does every town have one of those “best kept secrets”? You know, the kind of place that no one locally seems to know about but people from around the country, or even the world, travel to that town for? Well, I found one of those best […]

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