What do you study at BSU and have you always had this major?
I study Sport and Exercise Psychology and Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I have always had these majors at BSU, but at the University at Buffalo I majored in Psychology.

How did you navigate the stress of your first semester of your graduate studies?

I set a lot of firm boundaries. I didn’t do homework late at night and had spaces specifically to do work. I also took every opportunity I could to do fun things to balance out school. (I went to a lot of Pacers games)

If anything, what would you do differently in your past studies, knowing what you know now?

I would prepare myself for graduate school a bit more. I came in thinking that it wouldn’t be all that different from undergrad. I wasn’t entirely wrong, but the transition was a lot more intense than I thought I would.

What is the best piece of advice someone has given you so far during your time in your masters studies?

The best piece of advice was given to me by my grandfather. He told me to take every opportunity I could. Before starting graduate school, I had gotten a little complacent. My grandpa pushed me to explore every option possible. Since he told me that, I have felt like I am getting way more out of my graduate experience.

How have your priorities shifted, if at all, during your graduate studies?

My priorities have shifted away from my classes, which has been really weird. Class was always my priority in undergrad. It has been very strange to have my focus switch to applied work and research. Class is still important, but I spend the majority of my time working with clients or conducting research.

Is there anything else that you credit to your success during your first years of masters studies?

I credit a lot of my success to the friends I have made along the way. I would not have the ability to persevere through a lot of the work I have done without their support. It is also great to have an outlet for my stress and frustrations. It never hurts to have people to just hang out and chill with either!