What do you study at BSU and have you always had this major?
I completed my master’s in counseling at BSU and I am currently working on my PhD in Counseling Psychology. 
How did you navigate the stress of your first semester of your graduate studies?
I navigated the stress of graduate school by building social connection with my peers. It always helps to feel less alone in these experiences. I also began to prioritize my work and let go of my perfectionism. 
If anything, what would you do differently in your past studies, knowing what you know now?
I wouldn’t do anything different. I like the path I am on and the career I have chosen. 
What is the best piece of advice someone else gave you during your time in your masters studies?
Recognize that you can’t be perfect at everything. Graduate school is supposed to be a learning experience which means there is room to grow and develop throughout your time as a student. It was helpful for me to let go of a desire to give everything i do 100% of my effort. Instead, I focus my energy on the things i care about the most and everything else falls into place (with a lot of juggling!)
How did your priorities shift, if at all, during your graduate studies?
I have worked hard to prioritize small chunks of time during the week to do things for myself. For me that is staying active, cooking healthy meals, and spending time outside. It doesn’t always happen but making space in my schedule for me has been very important and a skill I have developed throughout my time in grad school. 
Is there anything else that you credit to your success during your masters studies?
Support from my friends here in Muncie and the ones who constantly chase me down to catch up on the phone. It is all so appreciated.