Where is your hometown?
My hometown is in Evansville, Indiana.
What are a few of your favorite hobbies?
In my free time, I enjoy cross stitching, drawing, playing video games, and watching tv shows or movies.
Where did you obtain your bachelor’s and/or master’s degrees, what were your major(s)?
I am currently obtaining my bachelor’s degree in psychology here at Ball State. I chose Ball State for a few reasons, such as my best friend attending at the time, as well as my mom wanting me to go.
Why did you choose Ball State for your studies?
I specifically chose psychology as it’s a subject I’ve always been interested in, and I want to go into counseling.
What is one lesson you have learned as a student at BSU?
One lesson I’ve learned as an undergraduate student here is that it’s important to make connections, like with professors, as they’ll help you throughout undergrad, graduate school, and/or your career.
Give us a summary of your project and how the funds you were awarded were utilized.
I did my Pathways Undergraduate Research Fellowship with the Action Research Collective (ARC). We conducted a photovoice research study that explored the experiences of graduate students from marginalized backgrounds (i.e. LGBTQ+ graduate students, graduate students of color, international graduate students, and graduate students with disabilities). In our study, participants took photos that illustrated their needs, obstacles, support, and thriving, afterwards participating in an interview where they shared their stories and experiences relating to their pictures.