Henry Whitmore is a first year master’s student in the Sport and Exercise Psychology Program and a marketing graduate assistant for the Ball State Graduate School. Learn more about him and his role in the Q&A below.

Q: Where are you from?

A: I am from Indianapolis Indiana! I grew up right by the art museum and have lived in Indy my whole life.

Q: What degree are you currently pursuing and why?

A: Right now I am pursuing my master’s degrees in Sport and Exercise Psychology as well as Clinical Mental Health Counseling. These two degrees combined will give me the ability to directly study the psychological effects of sport and exercise on an individual level while allowing me to apply therapeutic tactics related to exercise and beyond in a practical counseling environment post graduation.

Q: What is your position and what does your new job entail?

A: My current Graduate Assistantship position is under the umbrella of the BSU Graduate School itself. I help the Graduate School market their events on all social media platforms as well as oversee the graduate student commons room (208) in the West Quad building! We also hold events via zoom for remote and on-campus graduate students alike and work with the Graduate Student Wellness Initiative to provide community events for our graduate students here at BSU. Stop by West Quad or follow us on instagram @gradschool_bsu.

Q: Where and what did you study for undergrad?

A: I acquired my undergraduate degree right here at BSU! I studied psychological sciences with a few minors in neuroscience, counseling, and theater. I enjoyed my time so much I decided to stay for three more years, and am quite happy with the decision so far.

Q: What are you looking forward to in this GA position?

A: I am looking forward to taking a more active role in the Ball State and Muncie community in this position. As someone who has lived in Muncie for four years straight (including summers), I think this city has more community and opportunities than new graduate students might initially think. Being able to have a direct connection and position in the Graduate School allows me to provide those opportunities and hopefully make a difference in Graduate Students’ lives. Maybe I’ll even convince some undergrads to follow the same path and stay at BSU for their master’s as well.

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: In my free time I love to move! Rock climbing is my main focus over the summer typically, but in the winter I also love to snowboard. I read as well. I am currently on a fourteen book fantasy series experience with my dad. I also love video games and music. Before I found my love for the outdoors and fitness I played trumpet for eight years and I still continue as a hobbyist.

Q: How can students get in touch with you?
A: Come to the graduate student commons room in the West Quad! It is room 208 on the second floor. They can also feel free to email me at jhwhitmore@bsu.edu. Direct messaging on instagram works as well @gradschool_bsu.